Every Main Character In House Of The Dragon, Ranked From Worst To Best

First of all, the Sea Serpent is probably the greatest nickname of all time. Given some of the names that author George R.R. Martin has already given us - Barristan the Bold, the Red Viper, the Sword of the Morning and, of course, Hot Pie - that really means Something. But a cool nickname is only a smart brand if the person doesn't have the seriousness to back it up. Incredibly, Corlys Velaryon's sweet nickname might just be the second or third greatest thing about her.

Between his broad, linebacker-sized shoulders and white dreadlocks, Corlys is physically imposing. Considering his physique, you wouldn't be surprised to learn that he literally battled the sea and won. The tidal lord is also ridiculously rich. The Lannisters have their cute little saying about always paying their debts, but Corlys doesn't need to owe someone in the first place. Nor did he stumble into his wealth through a handy gold mine. He built his fortune the hard way: with his bare hands.

Coryls also knows how to play game of thrones. To propose that King Viserys marry Corlys' 9-year-old daughter is disgusting, but also shrewd by Westerosi standards. Although he rejected the offer, Viserys was careful not to offend. Considering he controls the largest fleet in Westeros, is stupidly rich, and has dragons, Coryls may be the only person whose power comes close to that of the king. In a better world, he would be king regent, and all would be well.

Every Main Character In House Of The Dragon, Ranked From Worst To Best

First of all, the Sea Serpent is probably the greatest nickname of all time. Given some of the names that author George R.R. Martin has already given us - Barristan the Bold, the Red Viper, the Sword of the Morning and, of course, Hot Pie - that really means Something. But a cool nickname is only a smart brand if the person doesn't have the seriousness to back it up. Incredibly, Corlys Velaryon's sweet nickname might just be the second or third greatest thing about her.

Between his broad, linebacker-sized shoulders and white dreadlocks, Corlys is physically imposing. Considering his physique, you wouldn't be surprised to learn that he literally battled the sea and won. The tidal lord is also ridiculously rich. The Lannisters have their cute little saying about always paying their debts, but Corlys doesn't need to owe someone in the first place. Nor did he stumble into his wealth through a handy gold mine. He built his fortune the hard way: with his bare hands.

Coryls also knows how to play game of thrones. To propose that King Viserys marry Corlys' 9-year-old daughter is disgusting, but also shrewd by Westerosi standards. Although he rejected the offer, Viserys was careful not to offend. Considering he controls the largest fleet in Westeros, is stupidly rich, and has dragons, Coryls may be the only person whose power comes close to that of the king. In a better world, he would be king regent, and all would be well.

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