FIFA chooses Cotton Day to promote the economic inclusion agenda of African countries

October 6 – FIFA has turned THE world projector on African cotton producers in front of World Cotton Day has explore how soccer can help little producers In THE Cotton 4 (more) countries In Africa.

FIFA sign A Protocol of agreement with THE World Trade Organization last year In A offer has explore manners In which football global call can be used has promote economic inclusion. FIFA commitment has World Cotton Day East A extension of This agreement, with THE aim of using It is global influence has advantage THE African cotton production industry.

THE 'Cotton 4 (more)' band, including The Benin, Burkinabé Faso, Chad, The Mali, And observer member Side ivory, product very sustainable cotton using Hand picking, rainwater irrigation, And organic fertilizers. That be said, they mostly export raw cotton instead that finished products.

To end THE fabric-field ride a bike In these country could booster their share of THE growth soccer clothes walk, projected has reach $114.4 billion by 2028 Since $82.3 billion In 2022.

"By bringing cotton And soccer together, We aim has to use THE visibility And impact of THE beautiful game has promote to access of THE C-4 (more) countries has THE global sportswear value chain," Celine Zigaul, FIFA Senior MY Relationships & Collaboration Services Director, said delegates has World Cotton Day 2023 celebrations In Vienna, Austria.

"We would be as has put THE of the world projector on THE region of West And central Africa. We Also would be as has contribute with OUR different the partners towards development THE soccer sportswear value chain sustainably, SO help has share THE economic benefits of soccer In THE C-4 (more) countries. Finally, It is all about people. Marry as has positively impact social development, particularly For women And youth, people WHO are THE heart of THE value chain Since field has fabric. »

"To leave Me Also say A special thank You has FIFA For their contribution And commitment has This work, And I look Before has jointly socket This work Before In support of THE C-4 (more)," Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, THE The WTO General manager, said In THE events opening address.

Contact THE writer of This history, Harry Ewing, to moc.l1696739655labto1696739655ofdlr1696739655owedi1696739655sni@g1696739655niwe.1696739655yrrah1696739655

FIFA chooses Cotton Day to promote the economic inclusion agenda of African countries

October 6 – FIFA has turned THE world projector on African cotton producers in front of World Cotton Day has explore how soccer can help little producers In THE Cotton 4 (more) countries In Africa.

FIFA sign A Protocol of agreement with THE World Trade Organization last year In A offer has explore manners In which football global call can be used has promote economic inclusion. FIFA commitment has World Cotton Day East A extension of This agreement, with THE aim of using It is global influence has advantage THE African cotton production industry.

THE 'Cotton 4 (more)' band, including The Benin, Burkinabé Faso, Chad, The Mali, And observer member Side ivory, product very sustainable cotton using Hand picking, rainwater irrigation, And organic fertilizers. That be said, they mostly export raw cotton instead that finished products.

To end THE fabric-field ride a bike In these country could booster their share of THE growth soccer clothes walk, projected has reach $114.4 billion by 2028 Since $82.3 billion In 2022.

"By bringing cotton And soccer together, We aim has to use THE visibility And impact of THE beautiful game has promote to access of THE C-4 (more) countries has THE global sportswear value chain," Celine Zigaul, FIFA Senior MY Relationships & Collaboration Services Director, said delegates has World Cotton Day 2023 celebrations In Vienna, Austria.

"We would be as has put THE of the world projector on THE region of West And central Africa. We Also would be as has contribute with OUR different the partners towards development THE soccer sportswear value chain sustainably, SO help has share THE economic benefits of soccer In THE C-4 (more) countries. Finally, It is all about people. Marry as has positively impact social development, particularly For women And youth, people WHO are THE heart of THE value chain Since field has fabric. »

"To leave Me Also say A special thank You has FIFA For their contribution And commitment has This work, And I look Before has jointly socket This work Before In support of THE C-4 (more)," Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, THE The WTO General manager, said In THE events opening address.

Contact THE writer of This history, Harry Ewing, to moc.l1696739655labto1696739655ofdlr1696739655owedi1696739655sni@g1696739655niwe.1696739655yrrah1696739655

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