First trailer of the fascinating film “The Monk and the Gun” from Bhutan

The Monk and the Gun

“We live in strange times.” Cinetic has unveiled a promotional trailer for independent film festival The Monk and the Gun, the second feature directed by the very talented Bhutanese filmmaker Pawo Choyning Dorji. Her debut film, Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, was nominated for Best International Film at the 2022 Oscars, earning her some serious attention. He's back with his next new feature, another drama set in the beautiful mountains of Bhutan (near Nepal and Tibet). The Monk and the Gun premiered at the Telluride Film Festival this weekend and will stop by TIFF this fall - in search of a distributor. TIFF's intro: "Set in 2006, when the Kingdom of Bhutan was beginning its transition to democracy, this playful ensemble drama is a poignant parable about the impossibility of embracing modernity without considering the past." The story follows an American who travels to Bhutan in search of treasure and crosses paths with a young monk wandering the serene mountains. The film stars Tandin Wangchuk, Deki Lhamo, Pema Zangmo Sherpa, Tandin Sonam and Harry Einhorn. This is a movie I should see and will watch.

Here is the official trailer (+ poster) for The Monk and The Gun by Pawo Choyning Dorji, on YouTube:

The Monk and the Gun poster

The Monk and the Gun is set in the Kingdom of Bhutan in 2006. Modernization has finally arrived. Bhutan becomes the last country in the world to connect to the internet and television, and now the biggest change of all: democracy. To teach the population to vote, the authorities organize a mock election, but the inhabitants do not seem convinced. While traveling in rural Bhutan, where religion is more popular than politics, the election supervisor discovers that a monk is preparing a mysterious ceremony for election day. The monk and the pistol is written and directed by acclaimed Bhutanese filmmaker Pawo Choyning Dorji, director of the Oscar-nominated film Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom. Produced by Feng Hsu, Stéphanie Lai and Jean-Christophe Simon. It will premiere at the 2023 Telluride and Toronto Film Festivals this fall. No other release date has been set - stay tuned for updates as it will be released at other festivals. Who is interested?

Find more articles: Foreign Movies, Indies, Must Watch, Trailer

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First trailer of the fascinating film “The Monk and the Gun” from Bhutan
The Monk and the Gun

“We live in strange times.” Cinetic has unveiled a promotional trailer for independent film festival The Monk and the Gun, the second feature directed by the very talented Bhutanese filmmaker Pawo Choyning Dorji. Her debut film, Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom, was nominated for Best International Film at the 2022 Oscars, earning her some serious attention. He's back with his next new feature, another drama set in the beautiful mountains of Bhutan (near Nepal and Tibet). The Monk and the Gun premiered at the Telluride Film Festival this weekend and will stop by TIFF this fall - in search of a distributor. TIFF's intro: "Set in 2006, when the Kingdom of Bhutan was beginning its transition to democracy, this playful ensemble drama is a poignant parable about the impossibility of embracing modernity without considering the past." The story follows an American who travels to Bhutan in search of treasure and crosses paths with a young monk wandering the serene mountains. The film stars Tandin Wangchuk, Deki Lhamo, Pema Zangmo Sherpa, Tandin Sonam and Harry Einhorn. This is a movie I should see and will watch.

Here is the official trailer (+ poster) for The Monk and The Gun by Pawo Choyning Dorji, on YouTube:

The Monk and the Gun poster

The Monk and the Gun is set in the Kingdom of Bhutan in 2006. Modernization has finally arrived. Bhutan becomes the last country in the world to connect to the internet and television, and now the biggest change of all: democracy. To teach the population to vote, the authorities organize a mock election, but the inhabitants do not seem convinced. While traveling in rural Bhutan, where religion is more popular than politics, the election supervisor discovers that a monk is preparing a mysterious ceremony for election day. The monk and the pistol is written and directed by acclaimed Bhutanese filmmaker Pawo Choyning Dorji, director of the Oscar-nominated film Lunana: A Yak in the Classroom. Produced by Feng Hsu, Stéphanie Lai and Jean-Christophe Simon. It will premiere at the 2023 Telluride and Toronto Film Festivals this fall. No other release date has been set - stay tuned for updates as it will be released at other festivals. Who is interested?

Find more articles: Foreign Movies, Indies, Must Watch, Trailer

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