Former Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen leaves Laurence Fox's Reclaim Party

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Laurence Fox's fringe Reclaim party has lost its only MP after disgraced former Tory Andrew Bridgen resigned due to a "difference in leadership".< /p>

The North West Leicestershire MP insisted he still supports Reclaim’s “policies and values” following his “incredibly difficult decision” to resign.

Mr. Bridgen said he was making the decision before fighting as an independent to win back his seat in Parliament. general election expected in 2024.

He was expelled from the Conservative Party in April for a social media post in which he described Covid vaccinations as "the greatest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.”

< p>In his statement, the MP sticks to his radical anti-vaccine views. “I have stood up for those harmed by vaccines and exposed the disturbing cover-up of excess mortality trends nationally and even globally.”

Lead by A former Lewis actor, the group Reclaim was created to challenge “woke orthodoxy” and rail against notions of white privilege and systemic racism.

Its website claims to promote free speech, which he considers to be "in grave peril", with Mr Fox having previously criticized the "climate hoax" and the "Covid scam".

Andrew Bridgen, right, at a Reclaim press conference with Laurence Fox

(PA Archive)

Mr Bridgen has thanked the fringe party leader and Reclaim staff “who have been excellent and supported me wholeheartedly over the last nine months”.< /p>

MPs said: “I have taken this decision solely due to a difference in party direction, I will always wholeheartedly support the policies and values ​​of the Reclaim Party and wish them all the best for the future. THE...

Former Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen leaves Laurence Fox's Reclaim Party
View from Westminster Sign up for the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Laurence Fox's fringe Reclaim party has lost its only MP after disgraced former Tory Andrew Bridgen resigned due to a "difference in leadership".< /p>

The North West Leicestershire MP insisted he still supports Reclaim’s “policies and values” following his “incredibly difficult decision” to resign.

Mr. Bridgen said he was making the decision before fighting as an independent to win back his seat in Parliament. general election expected in 2024.

He was expelled from the Conservative Party in April for a social media post in which he described Covid vaccinations as "the greatest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.”

< p>In his statement, the MP sticks to his radical anti-vaccine views. “I have stood up for those harmed by vaccines and exposed the disturbing cover-up of excess mortality trends nationally and even globally.”

Lead by A former Lewis actor, the group Reclaim was created to challenge “woke orthodoxy” and rail against notions of white privilege and systemic racism.

Its website claims to promote free speech, which he considers to be "in grave peril", with Mr Fox having previously criticized the "climate hoax" and the "Covid scam".

Andrew Bridgen, right, at a Reclaim press conference with Laurence Fox

(PA Archive)

Mr Bridgen has thanked the fringe party leader and Reclaim staff “who have been excellent and supported me wholeheartedly over the last nine months”.< /p>

MPs said: “I have taken this decision solely due to a difference in party direction, I will always wholeheartedly support the policies and values ​​of the Reclaim Party and wish them all the best for the future. THE...

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