Four injured as boat horrifically blasts harbor after refueling

Four Americans were enjoying the 30 C+ heat on their boat when it was filmed exploding in a ball of fire, leaving a woman to be airlifted to hospital

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Florida: Boat explodes after refueling at Daytona Beach

Four people were injured after a boat exploded in a harbor just minutes after refueling.

The horrific incident was filmed and took place on Sunday, August 21, just after noon.

The four sailors at Halifax Harbor Marina in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, stood around the boat, called Jumper, shortly after refueling.

Three of them were on board the ship while the fourth stood on the nearby dock.

But seconds later, at around 1:15 p.m. local time, the boat suddenly exploded with parts of the rear half consumed in a ball of fire.

Debris was sent flying as at least one of the passengers was lifted off his feet by the force of the explosion.

Firefighters extinguish fire aboard Jumper
Firefighters put out the fire aboard the Jumper (


Jam Press/Daytona Beach Fire Dep)

Four injured as boat horrifically blasts harbor after refueling

Four Americans were enjoying the 30 C+ heat on their boat when it was filmed exploding in a ball of fire, leaving a woman to be airlifted to hospital

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Florida: Boat explodes after refueling at Daytona Beach

Four people were injured after a boat exploded in a harbor just minutes after refueling.

The horrific incident was filmed and took place on Sunday, August 21, just after noon.

The four sailors at Halifax Harbor Marina in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, stood around the boat, called Jumper, shortly after refueling.

Three of them were on board the ship while the fourth stood on the nearby dock.

But seconds later, at around 1:15 p.m. local time, the boat suddenly exploded with parts of the rear half consumed in a ball of fire.

Debris was sent flying as at least one of the passengers was lifted off his feet by the force of the explosion.

Firefighters extinguish fire aboard Jumper
Firefighters put out the fire aboard the Jumper (


Jam Press/Daytona Beach Fire Dep)

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