'Free school meals will test wealthiest Prime Minister Sunak's claim to be a compassionate conservative'

One ​​Direction singer Zayn Malik, a boy from Bradford who relied on free school meals as a child, has added his voice to a defended campaign by the Mirror: Now is the time for Sunak to rise to the challenge

We'll find out if this Tory Prime Minister keeps his word when he swings his spending ax in the next mini budget We'll find out if this Conservative Prime Minister keeps his word when he swings his spendthrift ax in the next mini-budget (

Image: David Cliff/AP/REX/Shutterstock)

Feeding children with free school meals is one of the noble causes of our time.

But too many eligible people go without during holidays, as families just above the subsistence level struggle to afford food during breaks.

One Direction singer Zayn Malik, a boy from Bradford who depended on free school meals as a child, has added his voice to a campaign championed by the Mirror.

The free meals are a test of Rishi Sunak's claim to be a compassionate conservative. We'll find out if this Conservative Prime Minister keeps his word when he swings his ax in the next mini-budget.

It would be terrible if Sunak, the richest Prime Minister in Britain's history, were to make the lot of millions of starving children worse.

Common decency demands that in Britain we ensure that no pupil goes to school or to bed hungry. A modern welfare state would recognize that every child matters.

find the truth
Nanny's son murdered by Lucan 48 years ago in particular deserves to know what really happened to the notorious killer who just disappeared
The son of the nanny Lucan murdered 48 years ago in particular deserves to know what really happened to the notorious killer who simply disappeared (


Getty Images)

Australian police should carry out a full investigation into whether an elderly man living outside Brisbane is, as facial recognition expert Lord Lucan believes.

The son of the nanny Lucan murdered 48 years ago in particular deserves to know what really happened to the no...

'Free school meals will test wealthiest Prime Minister Sunak's claim to be a compassionate conservative'

One ​​Direction singer Zayn Malik, a boy from Bradford who relied on free school meals as a child, has added his voice to a defended campaign by the Mirror: Now is the time for Sunak to rise to the challenge

We'll find out if this Tory Prime Minister keeps his word when he swings his spending ax in the next mini budget We'll find out if this Conservative Prime Minister keeps his word when he swings his spendthrift ax in the next mini-budget (

Image: David Cliff/AP/REX/Shutterstock)

Feeding children with free school meals is one of the noble causes of our time.

But too many eligible people go without during holidays, as families just above the subsistence level struggle to afford food during breaks.

One Direction singer Zayn Malik, a boy from Bradford who depended on free school meals as a child, has added his voice to a campaign championed by the Mirror.

The free meals are a test of Rishi Sunak's claim to be a compassionate conservative. We'll find out if this Conservative Prime Minister keeps his word when he swings his ax in the next mini-budget.

It would be terrible if Sunak, the richest Prime Minister in Britain's history, were to make the lot of millions of starving children worse.

Common decency demands that in Britain we ensure that no pupil goes to school or to bed hungry. A modern welfare state would recognize that every child matters.

find the truth
Nanny's son murdered by Lucan 48 years ago in particular deserves to know what really happened to the notorious killer who just disappeared
The son of the nanny Lucan murdered 48 years ago in particular deserves to know what really happened to the notorious killer who simply disappeared (


Getty Images)

Australian police should carry out a full investigation into whether an elderly man living outside Brisbane is, as facial recognition expert Lord Lucan believes.

The son of the nanny Lucan murdered 48 years ago in particular deserves to know what really happened to the no...

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