“Who the fuck does he think he is?” »: the verdict of Keir Starmer's wife after their first meeting »

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Keir Starmer's wife asked: 'Who the fuck does he think he is?' after their first meeting, the Labor leader revealed.

A former lawyer, Vic, as he calls him, did not take lightly her future husband's questions about the accuracy of certain documents.

When they finished talking, on the phone, he heard her say to a colleague: "Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"You might think, "That "It's not the best debut, but it was absolutely classic Vic," he told Vogue magazine. "Very sassy, ​​very down to earth, no nonsense from anyone, including me."

In a long interview, the man who will be the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom spoke about his experience in death row cases. had made him strong enough to do the most important work.

“My answer to that question is: 'Look, if you've been sitting in a cell with someone and you've had to make a decision about their case that could lead to them living or die, then you had to make difficult decisions,” he said.

He also said he and his wife "share" household chores, although he admitted: "Vic would say she does the majority of it."

When it came to childcare, they had to “usually juggle as a family, especially when our children were very young,” he said, adding: “It s This is a major problem for many families. Childcare is very expensive.

The interview was conducted before this week's U-turn on plans to spend £28 billion on green investment. Sir Keir Starmer insisted Labor was “straight-up” with voters amid criticism over the decision to abandon the key pledge.

Left-wing MPs in the party, as well as environmental groups, labor allies and energy sector figures, expressed disappointment with the decision.

“Who the fuck does he think he is?” »: the verdict of Keir Starmer's wife after their first meeting »
View from Westminster Sign up to the View from Westminster email for expert analysis straight to your inboxReceive our free View from Westminster emailPlease enter an email address valid emailPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to receive an email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}Something went wrong. Please try again later.{{ /verifyErrors }}

Keir Starmer's wife asked: 'Who the fuck does he think he is?' after their first meeting, the Labor leader revealed.

A former lawyer, Vic, as he calls him, did not take lightly her future husband's questions about the accuracy of certain documents.

When they finished talking, on the phone, he heard her say to a colleague: "Who the fuck does he think he is?"

"You might think, "That "It's not the best debut, but it was absolutely classic Vic," he told Vogue magazine. "Very sassy, ​​very down to earth, no nonsense from anyone, including me."

In a long interview, the man who will be the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom spoke about his experience in death row cases. had made him strong enough to do the most important work.

“My answer to that question is: 'Look, if you've been sitting in a cell with someone and you've had to make a decision about their case that could lead to them living or die, then you had to make difficult decisions,” he said.

He also said he and his wife "share" household chores, although he admitted: "Vic would say she does the majority of it."

When it came to childcare, they had to “usually juggle as a family, especially when our children were very young,” he said, adding: “It s This is a major problem for many families. Childcare is very expensive.

The interview was conducted before this week's U-turn on plans to spend £28 billion on green investment. Sir Keir Starmer insisted Labor was “straight-up” with voters amid criticism over the decision to abandon the key pledge.

Left-wing MPs in the party, as well as environmental groups, labor allies and energy sector figures, expressed disappointment with the decision.

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