Smoking mum throws computer at airline staff during tantrum after losing her children

The mother-of-two yelled at staff and snatched the ticket reader from the counter after her two young children went to the toilet while she was checking in for a connecting flight

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Miami airport passenger 'melted'

A furious mother threw her laptop at airport staff after realizing she had lost her children.

Camilia McMillie, 25, a mother of two, was filmed enraged at Miami International Airport on Tuesday.

McMillie, from Birmingham, Alabama in the United States, screams and snatches things from the counter after her children move away from her to use the bathroom.

She lost her children while checking in for a connecting flight to New York.

Miami-Dade police said, "Once [McMillie] noticed the kids weren't with her, she became furious and started screaming, asking the gate officer to find her children."

 Mum-of-two Camilla McMillie, 25, went into 'panic mode' after losing her children at the airport /ALTERNATES/n310p /0_t1JPG.jpg
Camilla McMillie, 25, mum-of-two, went into "panic mode" after losing her children at the airport (


ICT Tac)
 She faces criminal charges over the blast which cops say cost the airport $10,000 (£8,300) content=
She faces criminal charges over the explosion which cops say cost the airport $10,000 (£8,300) (


ICT Tac)

Smoking mum throws computer at airline staff during tantrum
after losing her children

The mother-of-two yelled at staff and snatched the ticket reader from the counter after her two young children went to the toilet while she was checking in for a connecting flight

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Miami airport passenger 'melted'

A furious mother threw her laptop at airport staff after realizing she had lost her children.

Camilia McMillie, 25, a mother of two, was filmed enraged at Miami International Airport on Tuesday.

McMillie, from Birmingham, Alabama in the United States, screams and snatches things from the counter after her children move away from her to use the bathroom.

She lost her children while checking in for a connecting flight to New York.

Miami-Dade police said, "Once [McMillie] noticed the kids weren't with her, she became furious and started screaming, asking the gate officer to find her children."

 Mum-of-two Camilla McMillie, 25, went into 'panic mode' after losing her children at the airport /ALTERNATES/n310p /0_t1JPG.jpg
Camilla McMillie, 25, mum-of-two, went into "panic mode" after losing her children at the airport (


ICT Tac)
 She faces criminal charges over the blast which cops say cost the airport $10,000 (£8,300) content=
She faces criminal charges over the explosion which cops say cost the airport $10,000 (£8,300) (


ICT Tac)

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