G20 'family photo' deleted because leaders don't want to be photographed with Russians

Plans for a 'family photo' of world leaders at the G20 summit in Indonesia next week were scrapped because presidents and prime ministers were unwilling to stand alongside an envoy from Vladimir Putin of Russia.

For the first time at a gathering of the world's 20 largest economies, there will be no pictures of participants lining up in rows and smiling for the cameras.< /p>

The Kremlin announced on Thursday that Mr Putin would not be present for the two-day summit in the resort town of Bali, with the Russian delegation led by its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov instead.< /p>

G20 'family photo' deleted because leaders don't want to be photographed with Russians

Plans for a 'family photo' of world leaders at the G20 summit in Indonesia next week were scrapped because presidents and prime ministers were unwilling to stand alongside an envoy from Vladimir Putin of Russia.

For the first time at a gathering of the world's 20 largest economies, there will be no pictures of participants lining up in rows and smiling for the cameras.< /p>

The Kremlin announced on Thursday that Mr Putin would not be present for the two-day summit in the resort town of Bali, with the Russian delegation led by its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov instead.< /p>

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