Get free fast food for answering those customer surveys

Image for article titled Get Free Fast Food For Completing These Customer Surveys Photo: SerPhoto (Shutterstock)

Many restaurants (mainly fast food restaurants) ask you to call, text or go online to complete a satisfaction survey customer. Most people ignore them, and that's understandable - they can be tedious, sometimes time-consuming, and it might not be worth giving out your email address. But some of them have great deals, so if you find a survey or two worth taking, here are some of the best deals.


Get free fast food for answering those customer surveys
Image for article titled Get Free Fast Food For Completing These Customer Surveys Photo: SerPhoto (Shutterstock)

Many restaurants (mainly fast food restaurants) ask you to call, text or go online to complete a satisfaction survey customer. Most people ignore them, and that's understandable - they can be tedious, sometimes time-consuming, and it might not be worth giving out your email address. But some of them have great deals, so if you find a survey or two worth taking, here are some of the best deals.


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