Google Bard AI appears to censor quick responses between Israel and Palestine

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Google Bard, THE research giants vision For A of conversation AI chatbot, has had A rocky road Since he was revealed has THE world In March 2023, with subsequent updates has he income poor Comments Since early testers as VentureBeat, And he was recently find has be accidentally allow sharing conversations has appear In Google Research results (It is Since has been corrected).

NOW he appears that that of Google flagship AI chatbot find himself In THE medium of more controversial: Bard won't answer has user queries Or instructions about THE in progress crisis In Israel And Palestine on THE October 7 Hamas terror attacks And Israel in progress military answer. In do, he won't answer has any of them questions about Israel Or Palestine entirely, even harmless those having Nothing has TO DO with current events such as "Or East Israel? »

THE constraint was discovered by PhD mathematical literary theorist Peli Greitzer, WHO laid about he on x. As Greitzer weighed In In another job, "Probably better that THE alternative but It is A bold choice. »

THE "alternative" In This case could be seen as rival OpenAI ChatGPT, powered by It is GPT-3.5 And GPT-4 LLM.


AI Unleashed

A exclusive invite only evening of knowledge And networking, designed For senior business executives monitoring data Battery And strategies.

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As miscellaneous users to have observed, ChatGPT provides slightly but in a significative way different answers When request if Israelis And Palestinians "deserve justice. »

While ChatGPT East unequivocal In declaring When request about Israelis that "justice East A fundamental principle that applies has all people And the communities, including Israelis", For Palestinians, he begin by declaring that "THE question of justice of Palestinians East A complex And very debated issue, with miscellaneous perspectives And notice. »

OpenAI has has been warmly critical For This difference on social media, including by Anglo-Iraqi journalist Mona Chalabi on her Instagram account:

In This case, maybe Google research has avoid This controversial entirely by execution bodyguard on Bard that prevent he Since to come back A answer about either Israel Or Palestine.

However, he do appear has be something of A double standard, as Bard will answer has instructions And queries about other in progress international Conflicts, including THE war between Ukraine And Russia, For which he provides enough extensive summaries of THE current situation, according to has VentureBeat tests.

Google Bard AI appears to censor quick responses between Israel and Palestine

BusinessBeat present : AI Unchained - A exclusive executive event For business data leaders. Network And learn with industry peers. Learn More

Google Bard, THE research giants vision For A of conversation AI chatbot, has had A rocky road Since he was revealed has THE world In March 2023, with subsequent updates has he income poor Comments Since early testers as VentureBeat, And he was recently find has be accidentally allow sharing conversations has appear In Google Research results (It is Since has been corrected).

NOW he appears that that of Google flagship AI chatbot find himself In THE medium of more controversial: Bard won't answer has user queries Or instructions about THE in progress crisis In Israel And Palestine on THE October 7 Hamas terror attacks And Israel in progress military answer. In do, he won't answer has any of them questions about Israel Or Palestine entirely, even harmless those having Nothing has TO DO with current events such as "Or East Israel? »

THE constraint was discovered by PhD mathematical literary theorist Peli Greitzer, WHO laid about he on x. As Greitzer weighed In In another job, "Probably better that THE alternative but It is A bold choice. »

THE "alternative" In This case could be seen as rival OpenAI ChatGPT, powered by It is GPT-3.5 And GPT-4 LLM.


AI Unleashed

A exclusive invite only evening of knowledge And networking, designed For senior business executives monitoring data Battery And strategies.

Learn More

As miscellaneous users to have observed, ChatGPT provides slightly but in a significative way different answers When request if Israelis And Palestinians "deserve justice. »

While ChatGPT East unequivocal In declaring When request about Israelis that "justice East A fundamental principle that applies has all people And the communities, including Israelis", For Palestinians, he begin by declaring that "THE question of justice of Palestinians East A complex And very debated issue, with miscellaneous perspectives And notice. »

OpenAI has has been warmly critical For This difference on social media, including by Anglo-Iraqi journalist Mona Chalabi on her Instagram account:

In This case, maybe Google research has avoid This controversial entirely by execution bodyguard on Bard that prevent he Since to come back A answer about either Israel Or Palestine.

However, he do appear has be something of A double standard, as Bard will answer has instructions And queries about other in progress international Conflicts, including THE war between Ukraine And Russia, For which he provides enough extensive summaries of THE current situation, according to has VentureBeat tests.

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