Google Reduces AI Search Responses After Asking Users to Eat Glue

SAN FRANCIS — Google said he was scaling down THE to use of AI-powered answers In a few research results, After THE technology do high profile Errors including narrative users has put glue on their pizza And saying Barack Obama was Muslim.

Google began putting THE artificial intelligence answers on high of research results For users In THE United States two weeks There is, but users And research engine experts on THURSDAY began to remark that far less queries were trigger A AI answer compared with with previous days.

that of Google head of research, Liz Reid, confirmed In A Blog job THURSDAY afternoon that THE business was scaling back a few of THE AI answers, which he calls “AI Insights. THE business cut down on using social media posts as source material For THE AI answers, East to make a break a few answers on health related the subjects And "added trigger restrictions For queries Or AI Previews were not prove has be as useful," Reid said In THE job. THE business do on A dozen technical changes aiming has improvement THE system, Reid said.


THE change East THE last example of Google launch A AI product with fanfare And SO rolling he back After he go crooked. In FEBRUARY, THE business blocked users Since manufacturing pictures of people with It is AI picture tool After conservative commentators accused he of anti-white bias.

THE technology industry East In THE pangs of A AI revolution, with start-up And Big Technology giants look alike trying has find new manners has put THE technology In their some products And TO DO money Since he. A lot of THE tools to have has been spear Before they are ready For prime time, as companies hustle has be THE First of all has walk their some products And casting themselves as avant-garde.

Summary stories has quickly stay informed

SAN FRANCIS — Google said he was scaling down THE to use of AI-powered answers In a few research results, After THE technology do high profile Errors including narrative users has put glue on their pizza And saying Barack Obama was Muslim.

Google began putting THE artificial intelligence answers on high of research results For users In THE United States two weeks There is, but users And research engine experts on THURSDAY began to remark that far less queries were trigger A AI answer compared with with previous days.

that of Google head of research, Liz Reid, confirmed In A Blog job THURSDAY afternoon that THE business was scaling back a few of THE AI answers, which he calls “AI Insights. THE business cut down on using social media posts as source material For THE AI answers, East to make a break a few answers on health related the subjects And "added trigger restrictions For queries Or AI Previews were not prove has be as useful," Reid said In THE job. THE business do on A dozen technical changes aiming has improvement THE system, Reid said.


THE change East THE last example of Google launch A AI product with fanfare And SO rolling he back After he go crooked. In FEBRUARY, THE business blocked users Since manufacturing pictures of people with It is AI picture tool After conservative commentators accused he of anti-white bias.

THE technology industry East In THE pangs of A AI revolution, with start-up And Big Technology giants look alike trying has find new manners has put THE technology In their some products And TO DO money Since he. A lot of THE tools to have has been spear Before they are ready For prime time, as companies hustle has be THE First of all has walk their some products And casting themselves as avant-garde.

Summary stories has quickly stay informed

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