Goon Squad officers convicted of torturing two black men

What arrived

A federal judge In Jackson, Mississippi, sentenced two ancient Ranking County of the sheriff deputies Tuesday For their the roles In torture And sexually assault two Black Men In January 2023. The two officers And four others, all part of A self-proclaimed "Keep on going Team," pleaded guilty last year. Hunter Elward, 31, was sentenced has 20 years For abuse THE Men, Eddie Parker And Michael Jenkins, And filming Jenkins In THE mouth during A "mock execution." keep on going Team chief Jeffrey Middleton, 46, obtained 17.5 years.

WHO said What

WE. District Judge To M Lee called THE crimes "odious And contemptible." Elward in tears apologized has Parker And Jenkins. "I forgive You," Parker said. "I don't do it," Jenkins said. "If he wouldn't I to have has been caught, he would have always be TO DO THE even thing."

Ranking County residents say deputies "regularly target them with similar levels of violence" For years, THE New York Times said. keep on going Team members "would be barge In houses In THE medium of THE night, handcuff people And torture them For information Or confession."

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THE other four implied keep on going Team officers will be sentenced Wednesday And Thursday.

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Goon Squad officers convicted of torturing two black men
What arrived

A federal judge In Jackson, Mississippi, sentenced two ancient Ranking County of the sheriff deputies Tuesday For their the roles In torture And sexually assault two Black Men In January 2023. The two officers And four others, all part of A self-proclaimed "Keep on going Team," pleaded guilty last year. Hunter Elward, 31, was sentenced has 20 years For abuse THE Men, Eddie Parker And Michael Jenkins, And filming Jenkins In THE mouth during A "mock execution." keep on going Team chief Jeffrey Middleton, 46, obtained 17.5 years.

WHO said What

WE. District Judge To M Lee called THE crimes "odious And contemptible." Elward in tears apologized has Parker And Jenkins. "I forgive You," Parker said. "I don't do it," Jenkins said. "If he wouldn't I to have has been caught, he would have always be TO DO THE even thing."

Ranking County residents say deputies "regularly target them with similar levels of violence" For years, THE New York Times said. keep on going Team members "would be barge In houses In THE medium of THE night, handcuff people And torture them For information Or confession."

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From OUR Morning news Report has A weekly GOOD News Newsletter, get THE best of THE Week book directly has your inbox.

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THE other four implied keep on going Team officers will be sentenced Wednesday And Thursday.

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