Wisconsin GOP Assembly Speaker: We will pass medical marijuana bill with or without Democratic votes

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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker robin Your (R), who announced in December that he would reintroduce A limit medical marijuana Invoice In January, expressed trust he would be pass with just Republican votes.

In A interview with Spectrum News 1 This week And as reported by Marijuana Moment, Your said that It is "taken We A while has find A consensus on THE Assembly Republican side" has craftsmanship A fair medical cannabis Invoice And that he is confident THE votes will be there.

"He will come out In January. THE sad thing East, I think most of My Democratic colleagues, because they only to want recreational Or Nothing, were going has to have has pass he with just Republican voice, " he said.

"NOW, My aim East I to want Democrats has vote For he Also, but if they to want All, they generally get Nothing. You obtained has find that common sense medium ground, SO I feel as There is A entire plot of problems as That. »

Limit Medical Marijuana Invoice

THE propose Invoice would be only allow the patients with specific terms as cancer, PTSD, HIV and chronic pain has to access cannabis some products In pill And oil shapes. It is modeled After that of Minnesota ancient, conservative medical marijuana program Before THE State transitioned has complete legalization.

Democrats, while open has incremental reform, to have critical THE potential restrictions And pushed For complete legalization. Assembly Minority Chief Greta Neubauer (D) called For A "serious proposal" addressing pass night And ensure to access For those In need.

The senator Melissa Agard (D), WHO East direct the charge for leisure legalization, disputed This position, noting THE GOP majority is holding THE agenda And will to prioritize THE issue, launch A key In complete legalization efforts.

Governor. Tony Evers (D) remains A vocal lawyer For legalization, deploring from Wisconsin slow progress compared with has neighbor States And highlighting THE potential economic benefits. A State analysis estimated Agard legalization Invoice could generate almost $170 million In annual tax income.

Photo: Benzinga To modify with pictures Since Kindel Media And 12019 by Pixabay.

Wisconsin GOP Assembly Speaker: We will pass medical marijuana bill with or without Democratic votes
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Wisconsin Assembly Speaker robin Your (R), who announced in December that he would reintroduce A limit medical marijuana Invoice In January, expressed trust he would be pass with just Republican votes.

In A interview with Spectrum News 1 This week And as reported by Marijuana Moment, Your said that It is "taken We A while has find A consensus on THE Assembly Republican side" has craftsmanship A fair medical cannabis Invoice And that he is confident THE votes will be there.

"He will come out In January. THE sad thing East, I think most of My Democratic colleagues, because they only to want recreational Or Nothing, were going has to have has pass he with just Republican voice, " he said.

"NOW, My aim East I to want Democrats has vote For he Also, but if they to want All, they generally get Nothing. You obtained has find that common sense medium ground, SO I feel as There is A entire plot of problems as That. »

Limit Medical Marijuana Invoice

THE propose Invoice would be only allow the patients with specific terms as cancer, PTSD, HIV and chronic pain has to access cannabis some products In pill And oil shapes. It is modeled After that of Minnesota ancient, conservative medical marijuana program Before THE State transitioned has complete legalization.

Democrats, while open has incremental reform, to have critical THE potential restrictions And pushed For complete legalization. Assembly Minority Chief Greta Neubauer (D) called For A "serious proposal" addressing pass night And ensure to access For those In need.

The senator Melissa Agard (D), WHO East direct the charge for leisure legalization, disputed This position, noting THE GOP majority is holding THE agenda And will to prioritize THE issue, launch A key In complete legalization efforts.

Governor. Tony Evers (D) remains A vocal lawyer For legalization, deploring from Wisconsin slow progress compared with has neighbor States And highlighting THE potential economic benefits. A State analysis estimated Agard legalization Invoice could generate almost $170 million In annual tax income.

Photo: Benzinga To modify with pictures Since Kindel Media And 12019 by Pixabay.

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