Hack together a DIY resin FDM 3D printer, almost

One of the most fascinating things about the 3D printing community, in my opinion, is that they never stop experimenting! Proper Printing just released this video about trying to build an FDM style resin printer and seeing success.

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You've probably seen resin printers, where you pour a bunch of resin into a vat and light shines from below to harden the resin and make a model. Well, there are other ways to use this UV curable resin to create 3D models. Some fancy machines that cost several thousand dollars lay down resin in layers from the top, like a typical filament printer.

Proper Printing wanted to create a DIY version of this method of using resin in some kind of FDM printer and almost succeeded. The video is educational and very entertaining. In the end, it looks like he's about to make it big, so keep an eye on his channel to see if he's following it with updates.

Hack together a DIY resin FDM 3D printer, almost

One of the most fascinating things about the 3D printing community, in my opinion, is that they never stop experimenting! Proper Printing just released this video about trying to build an FDM style resin printer and seeing success.

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You've probably seen resin printers, where you pour a bunch of resin into a vat and light shines from below to harden the resin and make a model. Well, there are other ways to use this UV curable resin to create 3D models. Some fancy machines that cost several thousand dollars lay down resin in layers from the top, like a typical filament printer.

Proper Printing wanted to create a DIY version of this method of using resin in some kind of FDM printer and almost succeeded. The video is educational and very entertaining. In the end, it looks like he's about to make it big, so keep an eye on his channel to see if he's following it with updates.

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