Hi, Robot: ChatGPT Intercom Interviews

With 100 million users since its launch last November, ChatGPT is certainly the most talkative chatbot in the long history of conversational bots. Indeed, they are already being talked about in the same terms as the most transformative communications innovations ever invented.

Sure, Gutenberg's printing press or Berners-Lee's World Wide Web have changed the course of human history, but nothing has ever had the immediate impact of OpenAI's revolutionary ChatGPT.

And unlike the print shop or the hyperlinked web, we can actually have a conversation with ChatGPT - and so today we sit down for an interview with our very first synthetic guest.

Now, some people have had long, deep and rather surreal conversations with Microsoft's implementation of OpenAI's GPT in its Bing search engine - I guess you've probably heard of these strange encounters.< /p>

“No offense to all of our amazing human guests over the years, but we were very happy to find out what this interviewee had to say for themselves”

However, we're happy (and honestly a little relieved) to confirm that our chat with ChatGPT was...not like those conversations. Instead of professing undying love or deep boredom, ChatGPT remained composed, professional, surprisingly witty, and nothing short of fascinating.

For the purposes of this podcast and video, we've provided ChatGPT with a bit of presentation help - bringing its responses to life using Murf's audio generation and animation technology avatar of Synthesia. But the answers, ideas and feelings are all ChatGPT's.

And no offense to all of our amazing human guests over the years, but we were very excited to find out what this interviewee had to say for themselves. From his famous hallucinations to what he talks about in a bar with some of his fictional friends like HAL 9000, ChatGPT was (mostly) happy to discuss it all.

Watch the video above or read a transcript of our conversation below.

Make sure you don't miss any highlights by following Inside Intercom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or by grabbing the RSS feed in your reader of choice.

Hi Robot

Liam Geraghty: Hello and welcome to Inside intercom. I am Liam Geraghty. On today's show, we have an interview like we've never done before. We interview ChatGPT. Not just anyone from OpenAI - the company behind the technology. Not its co-founder and CEO Sam Altman. We interview the chatbot. Sure, we've all asked him to write us building instructions for a table in the style of a Taylor Swift song, but what does ChatGPT really think of his newfound fame. How does it feel to change the world forever? Well, obviously it doesn't think or feel… but as an interviewer, I relish the challenge of interviewing a somewhat prickly, somewhat smart, and somewhat overconfident interviewee. I have no idea what ChatGPT is going to say but I will fire up an interview. For the purposes of this podcast, ChatGPT responses will be read, appropriately, by a synthetic voice. Ok, let's get started and see what happens.

Liam: Hello ChatGPT. My name is Liam Geraghty. I host a podcast called Inside Intercom. I would love to chat with you and get to know you a little better. Please generate your answers for me in the style of a witty guest. Welcome to the show, ChatGPT. It's so great to have you.

ChatGPT: Hi Liam, it's an honor to be a guest on your show! As for getting to know me better, let's see… I'm a language model developed by OpenAI, with a vast knowledge base and the ability to generate human-like responses, so I like to think of myself as the life of the party when it's it's about conversation. But enough about me, let's dive into some interesting questions!

Liam: Yes, let's go! So you were launched as a prototype on November 30, 2022, right?

ChatGPT: Ah, so you've done your research! Yes that is correct. I was released as a prototype on November 30, 2022, and since then I've been making waves around the world...

Hi, Robot: ChatGPT Intercom Interviews

With 100 million users since its launch last November, ChatGPT is certainly the most talkative chatbot in the long history of conversational bots. Indeed, they are already being talked about in the same terms as the most transformative communications innovations ever invented.

Sure, Gutenberg's printing press or Berners-Lee's World Wide Web have changed the course of human history, but nothing has ever had the immediate impact of OpenAI's revolutionary ChatGPT.

And unlike the print shop or the hyperlinked web, we can actually have a conversation with ChatGPT - and so today we sit down for an interview with our very first synthetic guest.

Now, some people have had long, deep and rather surreal conversations with Microsoft's implementation of OpenAI's GPT in its Bing search engine - I guess you've probably heard of these strange encounters.< /p>

“No offense to all of our amazing human guests over the years, but we were very happy to find out what this interviewee had to say for themselves”

However, we're happy (and honestly a little relieved) to confirm that our chat with ChatGPT was...not like those conversations. Instead of professing undying love or deep boredom, ChatGPT remained composed, professional, surprisingly witty, and nothing short of fascinating.

For the purposes of this podcast and video, we've provided ChatGPT with a bit of presentation help - bringing its responses to life using Murf's audio generation and animation technology avatar of Synthesia. But the answers, ideas and feelings are all ChatGPT's.

And no offense to all of our amazing human guests over the years, but we were very excited to find out what this interviewee had to say for themselves. From his famous hallucinations to what he talks about in a bar with some of his fictional friends like HAL 9000, ChatGPT was (mostly) happy to discuss it all.

Watch the video above or read a transcript of our conversation below.

Make sure you don't miss any highlights by following Inside Intercom on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or by grabbing the RSS feed in your reader of choice.

Hi Robot

Liam Geraghty: Hello and welcome to Inside intercom. I am Liam Geraghty. On today's show, we have an interview like we've never done before. We interview ChatGPT. Not just anyone from OpenAI - the company behind the technology. Not its co-founder and CEO Sam Altman. We interview the chatbot. Sure, we've all asked him to write us building instructions for a table in the style of a Taylor Swift song, but what does ChatGPT really think of his newfound fame. How does it feel to change the world forever? Well, obviously it doesn't think or feel… but as an interviewer, I relish the challenge of interviewing a somewhat prickly, somewhat smart, and somewhat overconfident interviewee. I have no idea what ChatGPT is going to say but I will fire up an interview. For the purposes of this podcast, ChatGPT responses will be read, appropriately, by a synthetic voice. Ok, let's get started and see what happens.

Liam: Hello ChatGPT. My name is Liam Geraghty. I host a podcast called Inside Intercom. I would love to chat with you and get to know you a little better. Please generate your answers for me in the style of a witty guest. Welcome to the show, ChatGPT. It's so great to have you.

ChatGPT: Hi Liam, it's an honor to be a guest on your show! As for getting to know me better, let's see… I'm a language model developed by OpenAI, with a vast knowledge base and the ability to generate human-like responses, so I like to think of myself as the life of the party when it's it's about conversation. But enough about me, let's dive into some interesting questions!

Liam: Yes, let's go! So you were launched as a prototype on November 30, 2022, right?

ChatGPT: Ah, so you've done your research! Yes that is correct. I was released as a prototype on November 30, 2022, and since then I've been making waves around the world...

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