Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium removes XRP from global index

Solana took on XRP position In HKVAC high 5 cryptocurrency global hint, And AVAX replaced Tron, in the middle of walk fluctuations In THE pass 30 days.

Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium removes XRP from global index News Join We on social networks

THE Hong Kong Virtual Active Consortium (HKVAC) has announcement revisions has It is high 5 crypto hint, high ten crypto hint, And generally crypto hint, leading has THE exclusion of several well known cryptos Since THE clues.

In A recent statement, THE HKVAC, which provides notes of digital active trade platforms And crypto walk indexes, describe that Ripple native token XRP (XRP) had has been deleted Since It is high 5 global crypto hint, be substituted with Solana (GROUND).

Last month, Cointelegraph reported that Solana had exceeds XRP In walk capitalization For THE First of all time, manufacturing he THE the fourth largest crypto.

In the meantime, avalanche (AVAX) took A place In THE high ten hint, replace TRON (TRX). This come After AVAX saw A overvoltage while other cryptos dived In December 2023.

Related: Cryptocurrency exchange Grace period has stay unchanged In Hong Kong despite scandals

Ryan Mcmillin, THE chief investment officer has Merkle TREE Capital, previously said Cointelegraph that a lot of THE threshing around AVAX could be due has traditional banks as J.P. Morgan And Citi partnership with THE avalanche Foundation For TRUE...

Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium removes XRP from global index

Solana took on XRP position In HKVAC high 5 cryptocurrency global hint, And AVAX replaced Tron, in the middle of walk fluctuations In THE pass 30 days.

Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium removes XRP from global index News Join We on social networks

THE Hong Kong Virtual Active Consortium (HKVAC) has announcement revisions has It is high 5 crypto hint, high ten crypto hint, And generally crypto hint, leading has THE exclusion of several well known cryptos Since THE clues.

In A recent statement, THE HKVAC, which provides notes of digital active trade platforms And crypto walk indexes, describe that Ripple native token XRP (XRP) had has been deleted Since It is high 5 global crypto hint, be substituted with Solana (GROUND).

Last month, Cointelegraph reported that Solana had exceeds XRP In walk capitalization For THE First of all time, manufacturing he THE the fourth largest crypto.

In the meantime, avalanche (AVAX) took A place In THE high ten hint, replace TRON (TRX). This come After AVAX saw A overvoltage while other cryptos dived In December 2023.

Related: Cryptocurrency exchange Grace period has stay unchanged In Hong Kong despite scandals

Ryan Mcmillin, THE chief investment officer has Merkle TREE Capital, previously said Cointelegraph that a lot of THE threshing around AVAX could be due has traditional banks as J.P. Morgan And Citi partnership with THE avalanche Foundation For TRUE...

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