How billions of taxpayers' money are fueling plastic pollution

Plastics to have long has been In THE reticle of environmental groups For THE pollutants given disabled by their production. This East especially TRUE In very industrialized, in general poorly regulated Regions of THE United States, such as THE Gulf Side. However, A new report watch that despite THE well publicized pollution cause by Plastic plants, taxpayers are continue has funds these operations on A widespread ladder.

THE report, published In March by A climate non-profit called THE Environmental Integrity Project, concluded that THE "quickly growth plastics industry In THE WE. receives billion of dollars In government subsidies," but "frequently violate their air pollution control permit, often release dangerous chemical products that risk THE health And security of close communities.” A big portion of these subsidies are siphoned directly Since taxpayers, THE report said.

As with a lot of THE environmental dangers In THE United States, most of THE people "life In three kilometers of THE factories that manufacturing THE main ingredients In Plastic some products are people of color," THE report said. He Also tent has examine if "public funds used has subsidize This industry are addressing these inequality Or manufacturing THE issue worse by deprive local communities of tax income while harm their quality of life." If THE plastics industry East continually provoking environmental harm, Why are taxpayers always foot THE invoice?

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From OUR Morning news Report has A weekly GOOD News Newsletter, get THE best of THE Week book directly has your inbox.

What did THE report find?

HAS less 50 Plastic manufacturing plants to have has been built Or extended In THE United States during THE last decade. Of those 50, has less 32 of them - Or two-thirds - "to have received tax breaks Or subsidies Since State And local Governments value A total of almost $9 billion," THE report said. These subsidies are almost twice as a lot as THE "combined budgets of two State agencies charge with regulator THE bulk of plastics plants In THE WE.," said THE report. This statistical refers to has THE environmental regulation agencies of Texas And Louisiana, two States Or THE majority of Plastic plants are located.

In Texas alone, THE plants "to have drawn A total of $1.65 billion In property tax breaks through THE States Chapter 313 program For energy And manufacturing companies," according to...

How billions of taxpayers' money are fueling plastic pollution

Plastics to have long has been In THE reticle of environmental groups For THE pollutants given disabled by their production. This East especially TRUE In very industrialized, in general poorly regulated Regions of THE United States, such as THE Gulf Side. However, A new report watch that despite THE well publicized pollution cause by Plastic plants, taxpayers are continue has funds these operations on A widespread ladder.

THE report, published In March by A climate non-profit called THE Environmental Integrity Project, concluded that THE "quickly growth plastics industry In THE WE. receives billion of dollars In government subsidies," but "frequently violate their air pollution control permit, often release dangerous chemical products that risk THE health And security of close communities.” A big portion of these subsidies are siphoned directly Since taxpayers, THE report said.

As with a lot of THE environmental dangers In THE United States, most of THE people "life In three kilometers of THE factories that manufacturing THE main ingredients In Plastic some products are people of color," THE report said. He Also tent has examine if "public funds used has subsidize This industry are addressing these inequality Or manufacturing THE issue worse by deprive local communities of tax income while harm their quality of life." If THE plastics industry East continually provoking environmental harm, Why are taxpayers always foot THE invoice?

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From OUR Morning news Report has A weekly GOOD News Newsletter, get THE best of THE Week book directly has your inbox.

From OUR Morning news Report has A weekly GOOD News Newsletter, get THE best of THE Week book directly has your inbox.

What did THE report find?

HAS less 50 Plastic manufacturing plants to have has been built Or extended In THE United States during THE last decade. Of those 50, has less 32 of them - Or two-thirds - "to have received tax breaks Or subsidies Since State And local Governments value A total of almost $9 billion," THE report said. These subsidies are almost twice as a lot as THE "combined budgets of two State agencies charge with regulator THE bulk of plastics plants In THE WE.," said THE report. This statistical refers to has THE environmental regulation agencies of Texas And Louisiana, two States Or THE majority of Plastic plants are located.

In Texas alone, THE plants "to have drawn A total of $1.65 billion In property tax breaks through THE States Chapter 313 program For energy And manufacturing companies," according to...

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