How Marketing and Sales Leaders Can Accelerate Effective Growth in 2024

Growth. It is THE subject each sales And marketing chief East concentrate on RIGHT NOW. Were future disabled A difficult year through B2B SaaS, And THE economic contrary winds continue has add complexity has OUR plans. It is Why effective growth imported more that Never.

HAS dive In current challenges, tendencies, And solutions has energy efficient growth In THE year in front, We recently in partnership with Gong has host A sign discussion In London. As G2 Vice-president of THE EMEA region, I was joined by Lesley Ronaldson, Vice-president of EMEA Sales has Gong, Paul Gilhooly, Vice-president of EMEA Sales has 6 senses, And Julia Pilkes, Senior Director of Marketing has HubSpot.

I was excited has hear What these expert leaders are seeing, audience, And TO DO In their own organizations. He was Also Good has reconnect with Paul, as he And I sharing OUR first time dad travel And General manager the roles has THE even time, And Lesley, WHO was A Before colleague of mine has LinkedIn.

As You could imagine, several key themes emerged Since OUR discussion.

Benefit AI has to drive efficiency

AI adoption East surging as buyers more and more to wait for personalized experiences through all touchpoints. With This In spirit, My companion panelists And I agreed AI must be leverage not just has create more content, but has free up time For high value tasks.

For example, Gong uses AI has automate ten% of It is pipeline And surface red flags has managers while Hubspot has decreases landing page design Since weeks has minutes, allowing marketers has invest elsewhere.

Targeting THE RIGHT accounts

With sales cycles extension, targeting great potential accounts East critical. Target account sensitization East A more effective approach that upper sensitization volume For quality on quantity, THE panelists OK.

HAS to kiss This approach, AI present another application has dynamically assign in the market accounts And map purchase committees. Focus sensitization on emerging characters, as income operations professionals, East another path has booster earn rates.

Optimization THE customer journey

HAS improve retention And fight churn, It is crucial has ensure friction points are eliminated In THE customer journey. This means create integrated customer experiences through sales, marketing, And customer success – align these teams with sharing goals, data, tools, And human relationships. Also, look has to optimise THE journey but to integrate consistent executive level participation.

Emphasizing strong direction

THE panelists Also underlines to focus on What they consider has be "controllable" — as execution, to focus resources, And transparent communication. Strong execution And process disciplines pay disabled, especially In harder times.

Also, look has test miscellaneous approaches And to kiss miscellaneous perspectives, as authentic, empathetic direction will earn trust. And that East primordial has guidance teams through uncertainty.

I am grateful has to have THE opportunity has hear Since industry leaders as Lesley, Paul, And Julia. In THE year in front, I will be even more intentional has to focus on What East In My control And to prioritize initiatives that to drive THE most business impact, while maintain compassion as A leader.

OUR discussion reinforced that while times are difficult, leaders WHO double down on effective growth, transparent direction, And customer experience can build momentum, despite walk uncertainty.

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G2 Marketing Solutions East your door has THE more that 90M people research, comparing, And purchase software on G2 each year.

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How Marketing and Sales Leaders Can Accelerate Effective Growth in 2024

Growth. It is THE subject each sales And marketing chief East concentrate on RIGHT NOW. Were future disabled A difficult year through B2B SaaS, And THE economic contrary winds continue has add complexity has OUR plans. It is Why effective growth imported more that Never.

HAS dive In current challenges, tendencies, And solutions has energy efficient growth In THE year in front, We recently in partnership with Gong has host A sign discussion In London. As G2 Vice-president of THE EMEA region, I was joined by Lesley Ronaldson, Vice-president of EMEA Sales has Gong, Paul Gilhooly, Vice-president of EMEA Sales has 6 senses, And Julia Pilkes, Senior Director of Marketing has HubSpot.

I was excited has hear What these expert leaders are seeing, audience, And TO DO In their own organizations. He was Also Good has reconnect with Paul, as he And I sharing OUR first time dad travel And General manager the roles has THE even time, And Lesley, WHO was A Before colleague of mine has LinkedIn.

As You could imagine, several key themes emerged Since OUR discussion.

Benefit AI has to drive efficiency

AI adoption East surging as buyers more and more to wait for personalized experiences through all touchpoints. With This In spirit, My companion panelists And I agreed AI must be leverage not just has create more content, but has free up time For high value tasks.

For example, Gong uses AI has automate ten% of It is pipeline And surface red flags has managers while Hubspot has decreases landing page design Since weeks has minutes, allowing marketers has invest elsewhere.

Targeting THE RIGHT accounts

With sales cycles extension, targeting great potential accounts East critical. Target account sensitization East A more effective approach that upper sensitization volume For quality on quantity, THE panelists OK.

HAS to kiss This approach, AI present another application has dynamically assign in the market accounts And map purchase committees. Focus sensitization on emerging characters, as income operations professionals, East another path has booster earn rates.

Optimization THE customer journey

HAS improve retention And fight churn, It is crucial has ensure friction points are eliminated In THE customer journey. This means create integrated customer experiences through sales, marketing, And customer success – align these teams with sharing goals, data, tools, And human relationships. Also, look has to optimise THE journey but to integrate consistent executive level participation.

Emphasizing strong direction

THE panelists Also underlines to focus on What they consider has be "controllable" — as execution, to focus resources, And transparent communication. Strong execution And process disciplines pay disabled, especially In harder times.

Also, look has test miscellaneous approaches And to kiss miscellaneous perspectives, as authentic, empathetic direction will earn trust. And that East primordial has guidance teams through uncertainty.

I am grateful has to have THE opportunity has hear Since industry leaders as Lesley, Paul, And Julia. In THE year in front, I will be even more intentional has to focus on What East In My control And to prioritize initiatives that to drive THE most business impact, while maintain compassion as A leader.

OUR discussion reinforced that while times are difficult, leaders WHO double down on effective growth, transparent direction, And customer experience can build momentum, despite walk uncertainty.

G2 Marketing Solutions Reach more buyers.

G2 Marketing Solutions East your door has THE more that 90M people research, comparing, And purchase software on G2 each year.

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