How to Choose Art for Your Home When You Know Nothing About Art

Image for article titled How to choose art for your home when you know nothing about art Photo: New Africa (Shutterstock)

There are many accomplishments that mark our path to adulthood: your first job, your first single apartment, your first serious relationship , the first time you care what the word "escrow" actually means. But there's one final frontier, an activity that's so grown-up it means you've really left your wild, reckless youth behind: home decorating. Decorating can be a surprisingly complex business, with lots of layers and it's awfully easy to get wrong. And art is a key part of that, making your home a more comfortable and cozy place.


How to Choose Art for Your Home When You Know Nothing About Art
Image for article titled How to choose art for your home when you know nothing about art Photo: New Africa (Shutterstock)

There are many accomplishments that mark our path to adulthood: your first job, your first single apartment, your first serious relationship , the first time you care what the word "escrow" actually means. But there's one final frontier, an activity that's so grown-up it means you've really left your wild, reckless youth behind: home decorating. Decorating can be a surprisingly complex business, with lots of layers and it's awfully easy to get wrong. And art is a key part of that, making your home a more comfortable and cozy place.


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