How to watch the CEOs of Meta, TikTok, Discord, Snap and X testify about child safety

THE CEO of five social media companies are headed has Washington has bear witness In A Senate Judicial Committee audience about child security. THE audience will functionality Meta CEO Brand Zuckerberg, Instant CEO Evan Spiegel, Tic Tac CEO cabbage Chew, Discord CEO Jason Lemon And X CEO Linda Yaccarino.

THE band will confront disabled with the legislators on their save on child exploitation And their efforts has protect teenagers using their services. THE audiences will be live streamed beginning has ten AM AND on Wednesday, January 31.

However there to have has been previous audiences dedicated has adolescence security, Wednesday event will be THE First of all time Congress has heard directly Since Spiegel, Yaccarino And Lemon. It is Also only THE second appearance For TikTok Chew, WHO was grid by the legislators about THE apps security save And ties has China last year.

Zuckerberg, of course, East well practiced has these audiences by NOW. But he will likely confront particular pressure Since the legislators following A number of allegations about The meta security practices that to have come out In recent month as THE result of A trial Since 41 State Lawyers general. Court documents Since THE suit allege that Meta turned A blind eye has children below 13 using It is service, did little has stop adults Since sexually harassment teenagers on Facebook And that Zuckerberg personally intervened has stop A effort has to forbid Plastic surgery filters on Instagram.

As with previous audiences with technology CEO, It is not clear What significant policy changes could come Since their testimony. The legislators to have propose A number of invoices transaction with online security And child exploitation, However none to have has been pass In law. However, there East growth bipartisan support For measures that would be shield teenagers Since algorithms And data gathering And implement parental consent requirements.

How to watch the CEOs of Meta, TikTok, Discord, Snap and X testify about child safety

THE CEO of five social media companies are headed has Washington has bear witness In A Senate Judicial Committee audience about child security. THE audience will functionality Meta CEO Brand Zuckerberg, Instant CEO Evan Spiegel, Tic Tac CEO cabbage Chew, Discord CEO Jason Lemon And X CEO Linda Yaccarino.

THE band will confront disabled with the legislators on their save on child exploitation And their efforts has protect teenagers using their services. THE audiences will be live streamed beginning has ten AM AND on Wednesday, January 31.

However there to have has been previous audiences dedicated has adolescence security, Wednesday event will be THE First of all time Congress has heard directly Since Spiegel, Yaccarino And Lemon. It is Also only THE second appearance For TikTok Chew, WHO was grid by the legislators about THE apps security save And ties has China last year.

Zuckerberg, of course, East well practiced has these audiences by NOW. But he will likely confront particular pressure Since the legislators following A number of allegations about The meta security practices that to have come out In recent month as THE result of A trial Since 41 State Lawyers general. Court documents Since THE suit allege that Meta turned A blind eye has children below 13 using It is service, did little has stop adults Since sexually harassment teenagers on Facebook And that Zuckerberg personally intervened has stop A effort has to forbid Plastic surgery filters on Instagram.

As with previous audiences with technology CEO, It is not clear What significant policy changes could come Since their testimony. The legislators to have propose A number of invoices transaction with online security And child exploitation, However none to have has been pass In law. However, there East growth bipartisan support For measures that would be shield teenagers Since algorithms And data gathering And implement parental consent requirements.

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