HubSpot's Noel O'Reilly on adopting AI into your customer support strategy

In THE whirlwind of THE pass year, customer support has suffered A seismic change, And THE AI revolution East has THE heart of he. But while there are the reasons For apprehension, Today guest see a lot more has feel excited.

Suddenly, AI East everywhere. In A matter of month, AI has evolved Since automating simple Tasks as routing THE RIGHT thing has THE RIGHT person, has offer accurate, of conversation answers in the front has A variety of customer requests. In SaaS business meeting rooms around THE world, companies are races has find manners has to integrate THE last avant-garde technology In their strategies.

In THE medium of This transformation, customer support teams are Fight With with A multitude of questions. Or should We to focus OUR efforts? How can We with success to integrate AI In OUR process ? How can We leverage AI In A path that boosted – not embarrassed – THE customer experience?

As HubSpot Director of Customer Support For EMEA, all of these questions to have ran through Christmas Reilly spirit lately. With 20 years of experience In customer experience And support, AI was not In her wheelhouse up until A couple of years There is. And Again, he has quickly kissed This technological wave In HubSpot And East truly excited about THE changes in front. After all, despite THE faintness that come with uncertainty, We find ourselves In A unique position has witness, learn Since, And shape THE path AI permeates And transforms customer support as A entire, And build more significant Connections as A result.

In Today episode, We caught up with Christmas O'Reilly has cat about how AI And automating are affecting customer service Today And HubSpot AI strategy For support In THE year has come.

Here are a few of THE key points to remember:

A AI-human Partnership East key. As AI automates repetitive Tasks, he creates THE space For support representatives has to focus on solve complex problems And create significant Connections with clients. As their the roles evolve, support representatives are earn precious SKILLS that open up exciting career opportunities, as portion clients has build And to optimise their automating strategies. For A successful Implementation of AI, get THE First line staff implied. Their knowledge can help create A robust awareness base And A more intuitive automating to flow. While execution your AI strategy, It is important has ensure You maintain A high quality CX And address THE evolution nature of THE customer support role. We can need new methodologies has assess interaction – while human-driven CSAT offers knowledge In THE quality of customer representative Connections, influenced by robots CSAT tell A a lot simpler history that can be less relevant has high performance support teams. No matter how little THE support team, there East A opportunity with AI. To start little, food the robots base on your Documentation, And keep iterate And building Since there.

If You appreciate OUR discussion, check out more episodes of OUR podcast. You can follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube Or to input THE RSS food In your player of choice. What follows East A slightly edited transcription of THE episode.

Redefine support

Ruth O’Brien: Good morning And to welcome has Inside Intercom. My name East Ruth O'Brien, And I am THE Director of automatic And Proactive Support has Intercom. Join Me Today East Christmas O'Reilly Since HubSpot, THE Director of Customer Support For THE EMEA Band. To welcome, Christmas, It is great has to have You here.

Christmas O’Reilly: THANKS very a lot, Ruth. I am excited has be here.

Ruth: All right, let's go dig In And talk about all things AI And automating. How TO DO You think AI And automating are affecting customer service Today, And What are your thoughts For THE the future?

Christmas : Yeah, let's go to start on THE big A. There is clearly A huge movement around AI, And It is probably occupant about 80% of all meeting space RIGHT NOW. Each meeting East around AI, but I think THE future of support teams East A combination of This Driven by AI automating with A very deep human touch. NOW, I know A plot of talk RIGHT NOW East around AI replace We, replace OUR jobs, that kind of thing. But I honestly see THE human touch as A key has success. There are Tasks that AI can And will automate, And It is terrible...

HubSpot's Noel O'Reilly on adopting AI into your customer support strategy

In THE whirlwind of THE pass year, customer support has suffered A seismic change, And THE AI revolution East has THE heart of he. But while there are the reasons For apprehension, Today guest see a lot more has feel excited.

Suddenly, AI East everywhere. In A matter of month, AI has evolved Since automating simple Tasks as routing THE RIGHT thing has THE RIGHT person, has offer accurate, of conversation answers in the front has A variety of customer requests. In SaaS business meeting rooms around THE world, companies are races has find manners has to integrate THE last avant-garde technology In their strategies.

In THE medium of This transformation, customer support teams are Fight With with A multitude of questions. Or should We to focus OUR efforts? How can We with success to integrate AI In OUR process ? How can We leverage AI In A path that boosted – not embarrassed – THE customer experience?

As HubSpot Director of Customer Support For EMEA, all of these questions to have ran through Christmas Reilly spirit lately. With 20 years of experience In customer experience And support, AI was not In her wheelhouse up until A couple of years There is. And Again, he has quickly kissed This technological wave In HubSpot And East truly excited about THE changes in front. After all, despite THE faintness that come with uncertainty, We find ourselves In A unique position has witness, learn Since, And shape THE path AI permeates And transforms customer support as A entire, And build more significant Connections as A result.

In Today episode, We caught up with Christmas O'Reilly has cat about how AI And automating are affecting customer service Today And HubSpot AI strategy For support In THE year has come.

Here are a few of THE key points to remember:

A AI-human Partnership East key. As AI automates repetitive Tasks, he creates THE space For support representatives has to focus on solve complex problems And create significant Connections with clients. As their the roles evolve, support representatives are earn precious SKILLS that open up exciting career opportunities, as portion clients has build And to optimise their automating strategies. For A successful Implementation of AI, get THE First line staff implied. Their knowledge can help create A robust awareness base And A more intuitive automating to flow. While execution your AI strategy, It is important has ensure You maintain A high quality CX And address THE evolution nature of THE customer support role. We can need new methodologies has assess interaction – while human-driven CSAT offers knowledge In THE quality of customer representative Connections, influenced by robots CSAT tell A a lot simpler history that can be less relevant has high performance support teams. No matter how little THE support team, there East A opportunity with AI. To start little, food the robots base on your Documentation, And keep iterate And building Since there.

If You appreciate OUR discussion, check out more episodes of OUR podcast. You can follow on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube Or to input THE RSS food In your player of choice. What follows East A slightly edited transcription of THE episode.

Redefine support

Ruth O’Brien: Good morning And to welcome has Inside Intercom. My name East Ruth O'Brien, And I am THE Director of automatic And Proactive Support has Intercom. Join Me Today East Christmas O'Reilly Since HubSpot, THE Director of Customer Support For THE EMEA Band. To welcome, Christmas, It is great has to have You here.

Christmas O’Reilly: THANKS very a lot, Ruth. I am excited has be here.

Ruth: All right, let's go dig In And talk about all things AI And automating. How TO DO You think AI And automating are affecting customer service Today, And What are your thoughts For THE the future?

Christmas : Yeah, let's go to start on THE big A. There is clearly A huge movement around AI, And It is probably occupant about 80% of all meeting space RIGHT NOW. Each meeting East around AI, but I think THE future of support teams East A combination of This Driven by AI automating with A very deep human touch. NOW, I know A plot of talk RIGHT NOW East around AI replace We, replace OUR jobs, that kind of thing. But I honestly see THE human touch as A key has success. There are Tasks that AI can And will automate, And It is terrible...

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