Imagine Sisyphus happy – Jurgen Klopp: part manager, part philosopher

As A women And A teacher of philosophy, I to have seen soccer always very differently. I had poor awareness of tactical systems, but I appreciated Since all My heart THE great show Since THE fishing with emotion. If A Nobel Prize winner, Camus, recognized that All he knew about ethics was learned Since soccer, Why wouldn't he We recognize that he arrived THE even For ourselves, as THE round ball team OUR spirit with A mischievous sense of justice, rational thought, And moral altruism? Be In THE stadium do Me However that supporters are Nothing as THE masses kissing THE FAKE sense of democracy, as Nietzsche argued while reading by Schiller reflections on THE increase of THE choral on THE scene of A the tragedy. Fans belong has A voluntary And keen social contract. THE values of THE soccer club they support TO DO them equal In in front of THE other, be he women Or man, adult, Or child. SO, A democrat means to be able of magnet all those WHO share THE even values with You And respecting all those WHO to have different commitments And perspectives on A competitive world that they all share together.

As A little A, I grown up up watching France international competitions: For My father, soccer was A blue show with that of Zizou melancholy, A glacial look, even When trophies were breakup any of them save. Therefore, I was educated with THE conviction that passions should always be controlled by reason, regardless of the triumphs Or THE losses You could face.

In time, I find out THE opposite of THE Cartesian, methodical game: he was British, And This pedigree imposed enough A different Schauung Weltanschauung. Soccer was part of THE DNA of A nation: children were filling THE stadiums; THE game was part of their canonical education; he was No shame has argue that THE sense of citizenship And THE taste For loyalty begin on THE grass. Soccer was Bildung, there was No doubt. THE sense of competition was learned empirically. Soccer was, as Locke would be put he, sensation, always more powerful that reflection. I reminder while reading THE book writing by A of that of Liverpool the biggest Fans, Simon Critchley, What about football? He East absurdity has ask A player What he was thought When he brand. He East pure instinct, phenomenology, experience. But has appreciate This contingency caused by A game, You must tailor several scenarios of possible worlds engaging reason And imagination In different plans has play as GOOD as possible. I learned Since English soccer that THE fever of THE stadiums Perfectly describe THE Pascalien logic of THE heart And that In This sport You always to have A twelfth player: In My case, THE force of Anfield, THE collective awareness of those loyal has THE club. It is how, In time, I begin has to understand soccer Since that of Zizou melancholy has Klopp smile, which was by far very capricious And Again stayed A of THE little examples of Perfect elegance Since This sport. He East not relevant here Why I kissed Liverpool: he was not only A matter of choice, but Also of empathy.

What had A impact Since THE world of English soccer was THE do that I learned three philosophical course. THE First of all A East that virtues will always help You has act correctly every time fate makes something unpredictable arrive. Machiavelli was RIGHT: virtue will help You defeat Fortune. And Again, This East not enough has think about soccer In terms of policy realism only.

THE second A East that your rival will always change, SO You to have has be prepared not only For Nothing, but Also for everyone.

THE third thing East that if You TO DO not respect your opponent, You will Never to honour your Thu.

Jürgen Klopp knew how has blend these three directions of her moral philosophy attached has soccer, without even awareness, I guess, that he was behave philosophically Or that her the decisions could be discussed In these terms. I saw A master of wills WHO turned the skeptics In believers, as Liverpool Fans recognized these days, After he Unfortunately announcement her departure, has THE END of THE season. THE decision has withdraw Since THE management of Liverpool do We discover THE human confront of soccer: faith, anger, hope, despair. Klopp was Never afraid of showing all THE moods of her momentum vital that was contagious For her team. THE even momentum vital – borrowed Since that of Husserl philosophy – that Today seems has be vulnerable And became Jürgen reason For outgoing Since Liverpool. A can No longer be Stoic without A fundamental source of energy to feed THE entire system of players, staff resources And Fans.

On THE A hand, leading means manager, In Klopp perspective, And This East A of THE the most subtle definitions of democracy that I to have Never encounter. If You can't support THE energy of each piece of THE bigger puzzle called the footballcracy, SO You No longer stay democratic, attentive has anybody, able of listen, not only has hear, ...

Imagine Sisyphus happy – Jurgen Klopp: part manager, part philosopher

As A women And A teacher of philosophy, I to have seen soccer always very differently. I had poor awareness of tactical systems, but I appreciated Since all My heart THE great show Since THE fishing with emotion. If A Nobel Prize winner, Camus, recognized that All he knew about ethics was learned Since soccer, Why wouldn't he We recognize that he arrived THE even For ourselves, as THE round ball team OUR spirit with A mischievous sense of justice, rational thought, And moral altruism? Be In THE stadium do Me However that supporters are Nothing as THE masses kissing THE FAKE sense of democracy, as Nietzsche argued while reading by Schiller reflections on THE increase of THE choral on THE scene of A the tragedy. Fans belong has A voluntary And keen social contract. THE values of THE soccer club they support TO DO them equal In in front of THE other, be he women Or man, adult, Or child. SO, A democrat means to be able of magnet all those WHO share THE even values with You And respecting all those WHO to have different commitments And perspectives on A competitive world that they all share together.

As A little A, I grown up up watching France international competitions: For My father, soccer was A blue show with that of Zizou melancholy, A glacial look, even When trophies were breakup any of them save. Therefore, I was educated with THE conviction that passions should always be controlled by reason, regardless of the triumphs Or THE losses You could face.

In time, I find out THE opposite of THE Cartesian, methodical game: he was British, And This pedigree imposed enough A different Schauung Weltanschauung. Soccer was part of THE DNA of A nation: children were filling THE stadiums; THE game was part of their canonical education; he was No shame has argue that THE sense of citizenship And THE taste For loyalty begin on THE grass. Soccer was Bildung, there was No doubt. THE sense of competition was learned empirically. Soccer was, as Locke would be put he, sensation, always more powerful that reflection. I reminder while reading THE book writing by A of that of Liverpool the biggest Fans, Simon Critchley, What about football? He East absurdity has ask A player What he was thought When he brand. He East pure instinct, phenomenology, experience. But has appreciate This contingency caused by A game, You must tailor several scenarios of possible worlds engaging reason And imagination In different plans has play as GOOD as possible. I learned Since English soccer that THE fever of THE stadiums Perfectly describe THE Pascalien logic of THE heart And that In This sport You always to have A twelfth player: In My case, THE force of Anfield, THE collective awareness of those loyal has THE club. It is how, In time, I begin has to understand soccer Since that of Zizou melancholy has Klopp smile, which was by far very capricious And Again stayed A of THE little examples of Perfect elegance Since This sport. He East not relevant here Why I kissed Liverpool: he was not only A matter of choice, but Also of empathy.

What had A impact Since THE world of English soccer was THE do that I learned three philosophical course. THE First of all A East that virtues will always help You has act correctly every time fate makes something unpredictable arrive. Machiavelli was RIGHT: virtue will help You defeat Fortune. And Again, This East not enough has think about soccer In terms of policy realism only.

THE second A East that your rival will always change, SO You to have has be prepared not only For Nothing, but Also for everyone.

THE third thing East that if You TO DO not respect your opponent, You will Never to honour your Thu.

Jürgen Klopp knew how has blend these three directions of her moral philosophy attached has soccer, without even awareness, I guess, that he was behave philosophically Or that her the decisions could be discussed In these terms. I saw A master of wills WHO turned the skeptics In believers, as Liverpool Fans recognized these days, After he Unfortunately announcement her departure, has THE END of THE season. THE decision has withdraw Since THE management of Liverpool do We discover THE human confront of soccer: faith, anger, hope, despair. Klopp was Never afraid of showing all THE moods of her momentum vital that was contagious For her team. THE even momentum vital – borrowed Since that of Husserl philosophy – that Today seems has be vulnerable And became Jürgen reason For outgoing Since Liverpool. A can No longer be Stoic without A fundamental source of energy to feed THE entire system of players, staff resources And Fans.

On THE A hand, leading means manager, In Klopp perspective, And This East A of THE the most subtle definitions of democracy that I to have Never encounter. If You can't support THE energy of each piece of THE bigger puzzle called the footballcracy, SO You No longer stay democratic, attentive has anybody, able of listen, not only has hear, ...

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