It's a woman's right to fly her own flag! Listen, listen to Justice Alito.

On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. sent A letter has Sense. Tail Durbin (Dill.) And Sheldon White House (DRI) explaining THE origin of two questionable flags that had stolen on Alito residential homes. Both flags — A Upside down American flag And A known as THE "Call has Heaven" — to have has been used by Donald Support for Trump election negationists.

But In This letter, Alito explain that THE flags had Nothing has TO DO with him. They were stolen by her marry. Her wife flags, he Many times insisted, were her wife business, And her wife business alone.

It is A great letter. Let's go take A closer look.

"My marry And I own OUR Virginia House jointly," wrote THE conservative 74 years old George W. Bush named person. "She SO has THE legal RIGHT has to use THE property as She see adjust, And there were No additional not that I could to have taken has to have THE flag taken down more quickly." As For THE other flag, stolen has their New Jersey beach House — that House was bought with her wife own money And East "title In her name."

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Yes. Excellent. I am with You SO far, Justice Alito. I applaud your acknowledgement of A women RIGHT has oversee her own flags on her own property without THE influence Or governance of A man.

"My wife the reasons For flying THE flag are not relevant For here purposes”, he wrote.

I am thrilled You do This indicate, Justice Alito. Sometimes women to have deeply staff the reasons For need has fly A flag, And those the reasons are not OUR, neither THE Governments, company.

"My marry East A private citizen. »

Absolutely! She East A private citizen! Here And ...

On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. sent A letter has Sense. Tail Durbin (Dill.) And Sheldon White House (DRI) explaining THE origin of two questionable flags that had stolen on Alito residential homes. Both flags — A Upside down American flag And A known as THE "Call has Heaven" — to have has been used by Donald Support for Trump election negationists.

But In This letter, Alito explain that THE flags had Nothing has TO DO with him. They were stolen by her marry. Her wife flags, he Many times insisted, were her wife business, And her wife business alone.

It is A great letter. Let's go take A closer look.

"My marry And I own OUR Virginia House jointly," wrote THE conservative 74 years old George W. Bush named person. "She SO has THE legal RIGHT has to use THE property as She see adjust, And there were No additional not that I could to have taken has to have THE flag taken down more quickly." As For THE other flag, stolen has their New Jersey beach House — that House was bought with her wife own money And East "title In her name."

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Yes. Excellent. I am with You SO far, Justice Alito. I applaud your acknowledgement of A women RIGHT has oversee her own flags on her own property without THE influence Or governance of A man.

"My wife the reasons For flying THE flag are not relevant For here purposes”, he wrote.

I am thrilled You do This indicate, Justice Alito. Sometimes women to have deeply staff the reasons For need has fly A flag, And those the reasons are not OUR, neither THE Governments, company.

"My marry East A private citizen. »

Absolutely! She East A private citizen! Here And ...

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