IT'S A WONDERFUL KNIFE is the uplifting slasher film of the holiday season

THE Vacation Movie had has been dominated by drama And comedy For decades Before two other genres between THE fight. Had Punch not intercepted THE ball And run he In For infinity the keys, THE Vacation Horror Movie could have become THE most popular And prolific type of Vacation movie on THE landscape. Tragically, We know It is not THE case.

But recently THE Vacation Horror movie has come back swinging. Damien Leone's CREEPY 3 will be A vacation holocaust following year, And This year We to have THE imaginative And amusing IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE Since co-producer/writer Michael Kennedy (WEIRD) And director Tyler McIntyre (THE TRAGEDY GIRLS). Featured horror pillars Justin Long (BARBARIC, JEEPERS Lianas) And Catherine Isabelle (GINGER Snaps, FREDDY against JASON) as GOOD as new arrivals Jane Widow (Showtime "YELLOW JACKETS"), Jesse McLeod (The peacock "A OF WE EAST LAYER"), Hannah Cuddles (CW "THE FLASH"), And THE omnipresent Joel McHale (COMMUNITY, BECKY), KNIFE present himself as "A Uplifting Slicer Movie. »

In IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE, A year After economy her city Since A psychotic killer on Christmas Day before, Winnie Carruthers life East less that wonderful — but When She wishes shed Never has been born, She find se In A nightmare parallel universe And discover that without her, things could be a lot, a lot worse. NOW THE killer East back, And She must team up with THE city unsuitable has identify THE killer And get back has her own reality. IT IS A WONDERFUL LIFE by path of SCREAM.

IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE East A room attendant - amusing, familiar, costs, And festive. I look at THE movie with several friends And We had enough spirit, the spirits, And Pop corn has TO DO THE event A night has remember. We would be shout out lines Before they were said, take Paris on THE following victims, identify THE killer, And shout has THE protagonists as he was A midnight showing. THE movie has enough IT IS A WONDERFUL LIFE In It is DNA has be warmly nostalgic And enough SHOUT has be just THE RIGHT Rising of predictable Again always surprising. He doesn't reinvent THE vacation drama Or THE slasher movie, but instead amalgam THE two In A that East also funny, hot, And discordant.

As A vacation movie, THE characters all along to have A made Christmas shine has them, but Michael Kennedy characterization And THE the team dedication has Understood, representative foundry allow A wide audience has see themselves In THE movie. As A "Uplifting Slicer Movie" You are going has get A happy END, but I was surprised has see that he was not as happy as he I could have has been. When You are playing with Notions as wishes And alternate realities, You to have THE opportunity has go back has Before THE history began And to wipe far established stories that a few characters to carry around as emotional luggage but Kennedy selected not has go that far. It is A light little of detention that bars THE movie Since piloting Also far In THE saccharin infested waters of Lifetime movie territory And keeping that little of rust on It is procedure that TO DO THE movie relatable. Even with A wish granted, A can only solve SO a lot. A few scars Never disappear, but We can choose has to carry them with memory And pride.

I discussed with director Tyler McIntyre And screenwriter/co-producer Michael Kennedy last week has discuss THE movie, foundry Justin Long And Joel McHale against type, And their dream double functionality For Christmas Day before. (Benign Spoilers Forward)

Joel McHale and Justin Long in It's a wonderful knife

E.M. - Let's go to start with Tyler. SO were talk about IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE. Say Me your elevator not For This movie.

TM - Yeah, SO I think I zoomed In THE idea of manufacturing A Uplifting Slicer Movie, which East Really What he East on THE page. I Really saw This as A battle between Hot And Cool. As THE Christmas colors are always these saturated red And gold And he wraps You up In This family heat, but SO I Really thought THE kind of two worlds element It is cooked In THE scenario was kind of THE main engine of My not. I Really research THE nightmare version of This world has be Really disgusting with raw snow And very cool tones, And You kind of sap that energy out of he, even However You are seeing THE even the spaces, And In A plot of case even THE even actors TO DO sort of THE even things, he has This entire different atmosphere has he. He was This kind of strategy that You could sew In THE cinematography And production design And THE disguises And THE performances, he was kind of This cool opportunity has create these two different worlds with these very different energies. It is What I was trying has get through In THE packaging of Mike's vanity has m...

IT'S A WONDERFUL KNIFE is the uplifting slasher film of the holiday season

THE Vacation Movie had has been dominated by drama And comedy For decades Before two other genres between THE fight. Had Punch not intercepted THE ball And run he In For infinity the keys, THE Vacation Horror Movie could have become THE most popular And prolific type of Vacation movie on THE landscape. Tragically, We know It is not THE case.

But recently THE Vacation Horror movie has come back swinging. Damien Leone's CREEPY 3 will be A vacation holocaust following year, And This year We to have THE imaginative And amusing IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE Since co-producer/writer Michael Kennedy (WEIRD) And director Tyler McIntyre (THE TRAGEDY GIRLS). Featured horror pillars Justin Long (BARBARIC, JEEPERS Lianas) And Catherine Isabelle (GINGER Snaps, FREDDY against JASON) as GOOD as new arrivals Jane Widow (Showtime "YELLOW JACKETS"), Jesse McLeod (The peacock "A OF WE EAST LAYER"), Hannah Cuddles (CW "THE FLASH"), And THE omnipresent Joel McHale (COMMUNITY, BECKY), KNIFE present himself as "A Uplifting Slicer Movie. »

In IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE, A year After economy her city Since A psychotic killer on Christmas Day before, Winnie Carruthers life East less that wonderful — but When She wishes shed Never has been born, She find se In A nightmare parallel universe And discover that without her, things could be a lot, a lot worse. NOW THE killer East back, And She must team up with THE city unsuitable has identify THE killer And get back has her own reality. IT IS A WONDERFUL LIFE by path of SCREAM.

IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE East A room attendant - amusing, familiar, costs, And festive. I look at THE movie with several friends And We had enough spirit, the spirits, And Pop corn has TO DO THE event A night has remember. We would be shout out lines Before they were said, take Paris on THE following victims, identify THE killer, And shout has THE protagonists as he was A midnight showing. THE movie has enough IT IS A WONDERFUL LIFE In It is DNA has be warmly nostalgic And enough SHOUT has be just THE RIGHT Rising of predictable Again always surprising. He doesn't reinvent THE vacation drama Or THE slasher movie, but instead amalgam THE two In A that East also funny, hot, And discordant.

As A vacation movie, THE characters all along to have A made Christmas shine has them, but Michael Kennedy characterization And THE the team dedication has Understood, representative foundry allow A wide audience has see themselves In THE movie. As A "Uplifting Slicer Movie" You are going has get A happy END, but I was surprised has see that he was not as happy as he I could have has been. When You are playing with Notions as wishes And alternate realities, You to have THE opportunity has go back has Before THE history began And to wipe far established stories that a few characters to carry around as emotional luggage but Kennedy selected not has go that far. It is A light little of detention that bars THE movie Since piloting Also far In THE saccharin infested waters of Lifetime movie territory And keeping that little of rust on It is procedure that TO DO THE movie relatable. Even with A wish granted, A can only solve SO a lot. A few scars Never disappear, but We can choose has to carry them with memory And pride.

I discussed with director Tyler McIntyre And screenwriter/co-producer Michael Kennedy last week has discuss THE movie, foundry Justin Long And Joel McHale against type, And their dream double functionality For Christmas Day before. (Benign Spoilers Forward)

Joel McHale and Justin Long in It's a wonderful knife

E.M. - Let's go to start with Tyler. SO were talk about IT IS A WONDERFUL KNIFE. Say Me your elevator not For This movie.

TM - Yeah, SO I think I zoomed In THE idea of manufacturing A Uplifting Slicer Movie, which East Really What he East on THE page. I Really saw This as A battle between Hot And Cool. As THE Christmas colors are always these saturated red And gold And he wraps You up In This family heat, but SO I Really thought THE kind of two worlds element It is cooked In THE scenario was kind of THE main engine of My not. I Really research THE nightmare version of This world has be Really disgusting with raw snow And very cool tones, And You kind of sap that energy out of he, even However You are seeing THE even the spaces, And In A plot of case even THE even actors TO DO sort of THE even things, he has This entire different atmosphere has he. He was This kind of strategy that You could sew In THE cinematography And production design And THE disguises And THE performances, he was kind of This cool opportunity has create these two different worlds with these very different energies. It is What I was trying has get through In THE packaging of Mike's vanity has m...

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