Japanese gaming giant's hiring spree ahead of NFT market

Japanese entertainment and video game company Konami has posted new job openings to expand its NFT, Web3 and Metaverse offerings.< /p> Japanese gaming giant's hiring spree ahead of NFT marketplace New

Japanese gaming giant Konami is looking to expand its dedicated crypto talent pool while considering the development of Web3 and metaverse “experiments” and a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace.

The gaming giant is the latest in a long line of big names to show interest in expanding its Web3 offerings as it seeks to acquire new talent.

On October 13, the company announced that it was recruiting a "wide range of talent" for "systems construction and service development" for future Metaverse and Web3 platforms.

Konami said it is conducting research and development to incorporate the "latest technologies" into its games and content, adding that it also plans to launch an NFT trading platform where players can trade their in-game digital items.

The company is well known in mainstream gaming circles as the publisher behind the Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Dance Dance Revolution and Frogger franchise.

Konami is looking to fill several positions including systems engineers, programmers, project managers, designers and implementers for its foray into Web3.

Successful applicants will work on a “one-stop digital item distribution platform” that complies with Japanese guidelines for blockchain games.

This isn't Konami's first foray into non-fungibles. In January, the company launched a collection of NFTs to celebrate the anniversary of its Castlevania franchise.

Related: Disney Seeks Corporate Lawyer for "Emerging Technologies" and NFTs

However, some mainstream game companies have faced major backlash in NFTs, the most notable example being Ubisoft's Quartz platform which came under fire earlier this year.

Last month...

Japanese gaming giant's hiring spree ahead of NFT market

Japanese entertainment and video game company Konami has posted new job openings to expand its NFT, Web3 and Metaverse offerings.< /p> Japanese gaming giant's hiring spree ahead of NFT marketplace New

Japanese gaming giant Konami is looking to expand its dedicated crypto talent pool while considering the development of Web3 and metaverse “experiments” and a non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace.

The gaming giant is the latest in a long line of big names to show interest in expanding its Web3 offerings as it seeks to acquire new talent.

On October 13, the company announced that it was recruiting a "wide range of talent" for "systems construction and service development" for future Metaverse and Web3 platforms.

Konami said it is conducting research and development to incorporate the "latest technologies" into its games and content, adding that it also plans to launch an NFT trading platform where players can trade their in-game digital items.

The company is well known in mainstream gaming circles as the publisher behind the Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Dance Dance Revolution and Frogger franchise.

Konami is looking to fill several positions including systems engineers, programmers, project managers, designers and implementers for its foray into Web3.

Successful applicants will work on a “one-stop digital item distribution platform” that complies with Japanese guidelines for blockchain games.

This isn't Konami's first foray into non-fungibles. In January, the company launched a collection of NFTs to celebrate the anniversary of its Castlevania franchise.

Related: Disney Seeks Corporate Lawyer for "Emerging Technologies" and NFTs

However, some mainstream game companies have faced major backlash in NFTs, the most notable example being Ubisoft's Quartz platform which came under fire earlier this year.

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