Jason Kelce's wife: 5 things to know about Kylie McDevitt and their relationship

jason kelce eagles See the gallery Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen Costume Institute Benefit Celebrating the Opening of Camp: Notes on Fashion, Arrivals, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA - May 06, 2019 Patrick Mahomes, Brittany Matthews Shaqs Fun House, Atlanta, USA - February 01, 2019 Jason Kelce, who will play in his second Super Bowl in 2023, is a center for the Philadelphia Eagles Jason has been married to Kylie McDevitt since 2018 They have two children together and one on the way

— the man nicknamed the '' because of his passion for the city that adopted him after the Philadelphia Eagles drafted him in 2011 — lives life with an enthusiasm greater than his 6'3″, 295 lbs. frame. One woman who knows this for sure is his wife (née McDevitt), who married him in 2018, two months after Jason and the Eagles won Super Bowl LII. Since then, Jason (brother of Kansas City's Travis Kelce) and Kylie have lived spectacular lives on and off the court raising families and giving back to their community.

MorePhiladelphia Eagles

Fans may get to see more of Kylie now that Jason is heading to the 2023 Super Bowl. So who is the woman Jason calls his better half? Read on to learn more about Kylie Kelce and her marriage to Jason Kelce.

Jason Kelce's wife: 5 things to know about Kylie McDevitt and their relationship
jason kelce eagles See the gallery Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen Costume Institute Benefit Celebrating the Opening of Camp: Notes on Fashion, Arrivals, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA - May 06, 2019 Patrick Mahomes, Brittany Matthews Shaqs Fun House, Atlanta, USA - February 01, 2019 Jason Kelce, who will play in his second Super Bowl in 2023, is a center for the Philadelphia Eagles Jason has been married to Kylie McDevitt since 2018 They have two children together and one on the way

— the man nicknamed the '' because of his passion for the city that adopted him after the Philadelphia Eagles drafted him in 2011 — lives life with an enthusiasm greater than his 6'3″, 295 lbs. frame. One woman who knows this for sure is his wife (née McDevitt), who married him in 2018, two months after Jason and the Eagles won Super Bowl LII. Since then, Jason (brother of Kansas City's Travis Kelce) and Kylie have lived spectacular lives on and off the court raising families and giving back to their community.

MorePhiladelphia Eagles

Fans may get to see more of Kylie now that Jason is heading to the 2023 Super Bowl. So who is the woman Jason calls his better half? Read on to learn more about Kylie Kelce and her marriage to Jason Kelce.

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