Nashville restaurant answers Jelly Roll's prayer for a special Thanksgiving stuffing

Grammy candidate Jelly To roll almost spent Thanksgiving In THE niche.

THE singer was In charge of to secure a few delicious Padding Since Barr's Music City Soul Food In Nashville. And SO, he I forgot.

THE power of celebrity was SO invoked, along with THE promise of A bribe.

"GOOD you all, I F***** up And I need your help," he wrote on social media. "I am A husband, SO I did What husbands TO DO. I said My marry I would be take care of THE get dressed."

Nashville restaurant answers Jelly Roll's prayer for a special Thanksgiving stuffing

Grammy candidate Jelly To roll almost spent Thanksgiving In THE niche.

THE singer was In charge of to secure a few delicious Padding Since Barr's Music City Soul Food In Nashville. And SO, he I forgot.

THE power of celebrity was SO invoked, along with THE promise of A bribe.

"GOOD you all, I F***** up And I need your help," he wrote on social media. "I am A husband, SO I did What husbands TO DO. I said My marry I would be take care of THE get dressed."

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