John Tilley, independent film executive who helped bring Pedro Almodovar's films to the United States, dies at 75

John Tilley, A long duration distribution executive And lawyer For independent movie has companies including United Artists Classics, Cinemavista And Strand, WHO was instrumental In presentation THE movies of Rock Almodóvar has WE. public, deceased Sunday In New York City. He was 75.

“John was always A consumes encyclopedia of awareness of THE industry, And her pool of friends And colleagues Since around THE world always created A sense of family In Cannes, Berlin And more. Her work has Strand Release was invaluable," said Mark Huh, co-president of Strand Liberation.

Born In Colombia, S.C., he diploma Since THE University of South Caroline. Departure out has Balance Movies, Tilley obtained her to start In specialized movie exposure And distribution functioning with innovative distributer Well Barenholtz, handling THE exits of movies including David Lynch "Gum Head" And Derek Jarman “Sebastian. »

As National Sales Director has United Artists Classics, he extended Since THE the company activities Since directory movie has first execution theatrical exits And movies Since out United Artists.

Tilley went on has co-founded Cinemavista, Inc., with Rein Fuentes, acquire And release THE First of all eight features Since Almodóvar, as GOOD as securities Since Jarman, Paul Morrissey, Jonathan From Mrs And Mr. Night Shyamalan.

With Joy Pereths, Tilly based Proactive In 1997, which concentrate on accountability independent filmmakers In THE UNITED KINGDOM. And Europe, representative Ken that of Loach Parallax Movies, Movie 4, THE British Advice And British Screen Finances.

He SO work as A independent distribution consultant on speciality movies And documentaries including Ronnie Larson "Filming Porn" And Slavic Tsukerman “Perestroika” And help establish House video distribution departments has Picture This! Entertainment And has Overseas/First Look.

Tilley joined Strand Release In 2001, monitoring House video distribution of many the titles, including Gregg Araki "Mysterious Skin," Fatih Akin's "Head on" And Lucretia Martel "THE Headless Women. »

As executive Vice-president acquisitions And theatrical distribution For olive Movies, he managed THE release of ten features, include three which were their countries' submissions For stranger language Oscars.

More recently, he served as sales representative For Simon Glass' documentary "THE Last Tribe" And Mike Malloy “Eurocrime. »

He East Survived by her for life partner, William Byler.

John Tilley, independent film executive who helped bring Pedro Almodovar's films to the United States, dies at 75

John Tilley, A long duration distribution executive And lawyer For independent movie has companies including United Artists Classics, Cinemavista And Strand, WHO was instrumental In presentation THE movies of Rock Almodóvar has WE. public, deceased Sunday In New York City. He was 75.

“John was always A consumes encyclopedia of awareness of THE industry, And her pool of friends And colleagues Since around THE world always created A sense of family In Cannes, Berlin And more. Her work has Strand Release was invaluable," said Mark Huh, co-president of Strand Liberation.

Born In Colombia, S.C., he diploma Since THE University of South Caroline. Departure out has Balance Movies, Tilley obtained her to start In specialized movie exposure And distribution functioning with innovative distributer Well Barenholtz, handling THE exits of movies including David Lynch "Gum Head" And Derek Jarman “Sebastian. »

As National Sales Director has United Artists Classics, he extended Since THE the company activities Since directory movie has first execution theatrical exits And movies Since out United Artists.

Tilley went on has co-founded Cinemavista, Inc., with Rein Fuentes, acquire And release THE First of all eight features Since Almodóvar, as GOOD as securities Since Jarman, Paul Morrissey, Jonathan From Mrs And Mr. Night Shyamalan.

With Joy Pereths, Tilly based Proactive In 1997, which concentrate on accountability independent filmmakers In THE UNITED KINGDOM. And Europe, representative Ken that of Loach Parallax Movies, Movie 4, THE British Advice And British Screen Finances.

He SO work as A independent distribution consultant on speciality movies And documentaries including Ronnie Larson "Filming Porn" And Slavic Tsukerman “Perestroika” And help establish House video distribution departments has Picture This! Entertainment And has Overseas/First Look.

Tilley joined Strand Release In 2001, monitoring House video distribution of many the titles, including Gregg Araki "Mysterious Skin," Fatih Akin's "Head on" And Lucretia Martel "THE Headless Women. »

As executive Vice-president acquisitions And theatrical distribution For olive Movies, he managed THE release of ten features, include three which were their countries' submissions For stranger language Oscars.

More recently, he served as sales representative For Simon Glass' documentary "THE Last Tribe" And Mike Malloy “Eurocrime. »

He East Survived by her for life partner, William Byler.

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