KyberSwap DEX leveraged for $46M, TVL tanks 68%

THE DEX aggregator has has been exploited through several blockchains with millions In envelope Ether And other assets stolen.

KyberSwap DEX mined for $46 million, TVL tanks 68% News Join We on social networks

Around $46 million In miscellaneous crypto assets has apparently has been drained Since THE decentralized KyberSwap exchange In THE last decentralized finance exploit.

On Nov. 23, THE Kyber Network team alert It is users declaring In A X (Twitter) job that KyberSwap Elastic "has experimented A security incident."

He informed users has withdraw their funds as A precaution And added he was investigate THE situation.


Dear KyberSwap Elastic Users, we regret has inform You that KyberSwap Elastic has experimented A security incident.

As A precautionary measure, We strongly advise all users has quickly withdraw their funds. OUR team East with diligence investigate THE situation, And we…

— Kyber Network (@KyberNetwork) November 22, 2023

Blockchain detectives Underlines THE impacted And exploiter wallet addresses, which were always recently active.

According to has Unbank data, around $46 million has has been pilfered In THE attack, including roughly $20 million In envelope Ether (wETH), $7 million In envelope Marked at the Lido Ether (wstETH), And $4 million In Arbitration (ARB).

THE funds were divide through several Chains, including Arbitration, Optimism, Ethereum, Polygon, And Basis.

Kyberswap East be drained, several sources report.

If You to have assets, withdraw

— Olympic (@OlimpioCrypto)

KyberSwap DEX leveraged for $46M, TVL tanks 68%

THE DEX aggregator has has been exploited through several blockchains with millions In envelope Ether And other assets stolen.

KyberSwap DEX mined for $46 million, TVL tanks 68% News Join We on social networks

Around $46 million In miscellaneous crypto assets has apparently has been drained Since THE decentralized KyberSwap exchange In THE last decentralized finance exploit.

On Nov. 23, THE Kyber Network team alert It is users declaring In A X (Twitter) job that KyberSwap Elastic "has experimented A security incident."

He informed users has withdraw their funds as A precaution And added he was investigate THE situation.


Dear KyberSwap Elastic Users, we regret has inform You that KyberSwap Elastic has experimented A security incident.

As A precautionary measure, We strongly advise all users has quickly withdraw their funds. OUR team East with diligence investigate THE situation, And we…

— Kyber Network (@KyberNetwork) November 22, 2023

Blockchain detectives Underlines THE impacted And exploiter wallet addresses, which were always recently active.

According to has Unbank data, around $46 million has has been pilfered In THE attack, including roughly $20 million In envelope Ether (wETH), $7 million In envelope Marked at the Lido Ether (wstETH), And $4 million In Arbitration (ARB).

THE funds were divide through several Chains, including Arbitration, Optimism, Ethereum, Polygon, And Basis.

Kyberswap East be drained, several sources report.

If You to have assets, withdraw

— Olympic (@OlimpioCrypto)

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