Laura Woods is confused by Ebanie Bridges hot lingerie photos

Usually seamless Laura Woods blushed after boxing star Ebanie Bridges' latest sassy social media post. Woods, 32, has just returned from leading ITV's coverage of the World Cup in Qatar, having already become a household name for his work with talkSPORT and Sky Sports' coverage of darts.

She also engages regularly with her 64,500 Twitter followers, especially Arsenal fans, given her steadfast support for the club. And she also engages with Bridges, who bolstered her reputation in the ring this month by stopping bitter rival Shannon O'Connell in the eighth round of their title fight.

It's good that she was called a "skanky stripper" by her opponent during the prep, a reference to her love of stripping down to lingerie at weigh-ins. "The Blonde Bomber" has also joined OnlyFans, where stars can post private content for subscribers. And she plugged her Twitter and Instagram adventure with a photo, captioning the latter: "Love getting to know my fans and talking 1-1 on my @onlyfans."

Woods, 35, had previously sent messages of support to the Aussies after undergoing hand surgery following his win over O'Connell. But her response suggested she was caught off guard this time, writing, "JESUS ​​Ebanie," along with three troubled emojis.

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Previously, when Bridges took to social media to explain her hand injury and subsequent surgery, she said, "They took a bone from my hip and fused my joints together. A long convalescence." Woods replied "Holy shit, you soldier!"

Woods was back in the Premier League this weekend, working the Aston Villa game against Liverpool on Saturday night. But it was the Gunners beating West Ham 3-1 later that night that got her excited, tweeting: "Ohhh ARSENAL!!! Dammit", after the game.

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Laura Woods is confused by Ebanie Bridges hot lingerie photos

Usually seamless Laura Woods blushed after boxing star Ebanie Bridges' latest sassy social media post. Woods, 32, has just returned from leading ITV's coverage of the World Cup in Qatar, having already become a household name for his work with talkSPORT and Sky Sports' coverage of darts.

She also engages regularly with her 64,500 Twitter followers, especially Arsenal fans, given her steadfast support for the club. And she also engages with Bridges, who bolstered her reputation in the ring this month by stopping bitter rival Shannon O'Connell in the eighth round of their title fight.

It's good that she was called a "skanky stripper" by her opponent during the prep, a reference to her love of stripping down to lingerie at weigh-ins. "The Blonde Bomber" has also joined OnlyFans, where stars can post private content for subscribers. And she plugged her Twitter and Instagram adventure with a photo, captioning the latter: "Love getting to know my fans and talking 1-1 on my @onlyfans."

Woods, 35, had previously sent messages of support to the Aussies after undergoing hand surgery following his win over O'Connell. But her response suggested she was caught off guard this time, writing, "JESUS ​​Ebanie," along with three troubled emojis.

JUST IN: Tyson Fury has a WWE issue that's costing him millions as his bank balance is hit by travel restrictions

Previously, when Bridges took to social media to explain her hand injury and subsequent surgery, she said, "They took a bone from my hip and fused my joints together. A long convalescence." Woods replied "Holy shit, you soldier!"

Woods was back in the Premier League this weekend, working the Aston Villa game against Liverpool on Saturday night. But it was the Gunners beating West Ham 3-1 later that night that got her excited, tweeting: "Ohhh ARSENAL!!! Dammit", after the game.

DON'T MISS: Gervonta Davis arrested for domestic abuse days before Hector Luis Garcia fightAnthony Joshua teases 2023 fight plans, vows to become three-time heavyweight championTyson Fury lifts lid on two more big british meltdowns he still wants to set aside Joshua

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