Line of Duty stars bring day clubbing to Glasgow

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To play this video, you need JavaScript enabled in your browser. < /figure>By Pauline McLean, BBC Scotland arts correspondent

It's not so much a smooth passage across the dance floor as a slow, nervous slide from the adjacent bar.

< p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">But minutes later, the lone couple showing off their moves at BAaD cafe in Glasgow's east end are joined by a large group of enthusiastic women who appear to be line dancing to ABBA.

And all this before tea time. Welcome to the first Scottish edition of Day Fever.

The idea came from filmmaker Jonny Owen and his friend, musician and DJ Jon McClure. They wanted to create a daytime version of the nightclubs they had frequented in their youth.

Line of Duty star announces wedding liveMartin Compston: From school hallway to stardom

The reaction was enthusiastic. Not least from their own friends and family, including Jonny's wife, Line of Duty star Vicky McClure.

"Personally , I don't want to go to a nightclub until two or three in the morning," says Vicky.

"We have a lot. of women who feel the same way. It's a really safe environment and they just want to relax and dance and that's exactly what Day Fever is. ssrcss-8589xk-StyledFigure e34k3c23">

Line of Duty stars bring day clubbing to Glasgow

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To play this video, you need JavaScript enabled in your browser. < /figure>By Pauline McLean, BBC Scotland arts correspondent

It's not so much a smooth passage across the dance floor as a slow, nervous slide from the adjacent bar.

< p class="ssrcss-1q0x1qg-Paragraph e1jhz7w10">But minutes later, the lone couple showing off their moves at BAaD cafe in Glasgow's east end are joined by a large group of enthusiastic women who appear to be line dancing to ABBA.

And all this before tea time. Welcome to the first Scottish edition of Day Fever.

The idea came from filmmaker Jonny Owen and his friend, musician and DJ Jon McClure. They wanted to create a daytime version of the nightclubs they had frequented in their youth.

Line of Duty star announces wedding liveMartin Compston: From school hallway to stardom

The reaction was enthusiastic. Not least from their own friends and family, including Jonny's wife, Line of Duty star Vicky McClure.

"Personally , I don't want to go to a nightclub until two or three in the morning," says Vicky.

"We have a lot. of women who feel the same way. It's a really safe environment and they just want to relax and dance and that's exactly what Day Fever is. ssrcss-8589xk-StyledFigure e34k3c23">

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