Liz Truss launches charm offensive ahead of talks with French President Emmanuel Macron

Prime Minister Liz Truss will meet French President Emmanuel Macron in New York - just weeks after she said the 'jury is out' to hear whether he was 'friend or foe''

Liz Truss is now on a charm offensive with Emanuel Macron Liz Truss is now on a charm offensive with Emmanuel Macron (

Image: AFP via Getty Images

Liz Truss went on a charm offensive ahead of a meeting with Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday.

During the Tory leadership campaign, Ms Truss claimed 'the jury is out' on whether the French president was Britain's 'friend or foe'.

But a few hours before meeting Mr. Macron, the Prime Minister resisted the urge to condemn the Élysée for the management by the French authorities of the migrant crisis in the Channel.

A record number of migrants have made the perilous journey through the Strait of Dover this year, with more than 29,700 arrivals so far, compared to 28,526 for the whole of 2021.

Asked by the Mirror what help she would ask the French Prime Minister to help her deal with the crisis, she insisted: "I want to have a constructive relationship with France - that of course means working together on the issue of migration."< /p>

Ms Truss had said the 'jury is out' on whether Mr Macron is 'friend or foe'
Ms Truss had said the "jury is out" on whether Mr Macron is a "friend or foe" (


Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

But, speaking as she traveled to the UN General Assembly in New York, she dodged what she would ask Mr Macron, instead highlighting other areas in which she wanted cooperation, including support for Ukraine.

"There are a number of other issues we need to work on together, whether it's energy security or other issues related to our relationship with the EU - but above all, it's it's about making sure Putin doesn't succeed in Ukraine.< /p>

"This is what I will discuss with President Macron...

Liz Truss launches charm offensive ahead of talks with French President Emmanuel Macron

Prime Minister Liz Truss will meet French President Emmanuel Macron in New York - just weeks after she said the 'jury is out' to hear whether he was 'friend or foe''

Liz Truss is now on a charm offensive with Emanuel Macron Liz Truss is now on a charm offensive with Emmanuel Macron (

Image: AFP via Getty Images

Liz Truss went on a charm offensive ahead of a meeting with Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday.

During the Tory leadership campaign, Ms Truss claimed 'the jury is out' on whether the French president was Britain's 'friend or foe'.

But a few hours before meeting Mr. Macron, the Prime Minister resisted the urge to condemn the Élysée for the management by the French authorities of the migrant crisis in the Channel.

A record number of migrants have made the perilous journey through the Strait of Dover this year, with more than 29,700 arrivals so far, compared to 28,526 for the whole of 2021.

Asked by the Mirror what help she would ask the French Prime Minister to help her deal with the crisis, she insisted: "I want to have a constructive relationship with France - that of course means working together on the issue of migration."< /p>

Ms Truss had said the 'jury is out' on whether Mr Macron is 'friend or foe'
Ms Truss had said the "jury is out" on whether Mr Macron is a "friend or foe" (


Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

But, speaking as she traveled to the UN General Assembly in New York, she dodged what she would ask Mr Macron, instead highlighting other areas in which she wanted cooperation, including support for Ukraine.

"There are a number of other issues we need to work on together, whether it's energy security or other issues related to our relationship with the EU - but above all, it's it's about making sure Putin doesn't succeed in Ukraine.< /p>

"This is what I will discuss with President Macron...

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