Man rescued after falling down 300ft ravine while completely naked as emergency services baffled

A completely naked man in Brazil had to be rescued after falling into a deep ravine in a natural park. The country's air force authorities said why he was naked remains a complete mystery

Man rescued after falling into a 300 foot ravine while naked. Emergency services said they were still confused as to why the injured man was naked (

Image: Jam Press)

Rescuers were baffled when a young man had to be rescued after falling into a 300ft deep ravine while completely naked.

He was only found after a passerby heard his cries for help and a rescue operation was called in to try and fix the problem at the Mestre Alvaro nature reserve in Brazil on September 7.

The 19-year-old man was from the nearby town of Vila Velha, about 18 miles from the reserve, and had been missing since the morning of the day he was found.

Alive, he was taken to Jayme Santos Neves State Hospital and remained under observation while he was treated for bodily injuries and signs of hypothermia.

Man rescued after falling into 300 foot ravine while naked.
Firefighters tried to help, but he was out of reach (


Press Jam)

Firefighters said: 'A team was sent to the scene and they found the victim in a crack between two cliffs, unable to get out and beyond the reach of the team.

Major Pablo Angely Marques, Brazilian Air Force, added: "We found it in a very difficult place to access, with a risk of falling at any time.

Man rescued after falling down 300ft ravine while completely naked as emergency services baffled

A completely naked man in Brazil had to be rescued after falling into a deep ravine in a natural park. The country's air force authorities said why he was naked remains a complete mystery

Man rescued after falling into a 300 foot ravine while naked. Emergency services said they were still confused as to why the injured man was naked (

Image: Jam Press)

Rescuers were baffled when a young man had to be rescued after falling into a 300ft deep ravine while completely naked.

He was only found after a passerby heard his cries for help and a rescue operation was called in to try and fix the problem at the Mestre Alvaro nature reserve in Brazil on September 7.

The 19-year-old man was from the nearby town of Vila Velha, about 18 miles from the reserve, and had been missing since the morning of the day he was found.

Alive, he was taken to Jayme Santos Neves State Hospital and remained under observation while he was treated for bodily injuries and signs of hypothermia.

Man rescued after falling into 300 foot ravine while naked.
Firefighters tried to help, but he was out of reach (


Press Jam)

Firefighters said: 'A team was sent to the scene and they found the victim in a crack between two cliffs, unable to get out and beyond the reach of the team.

Major Pablo Angely Marques, Brazilian Air Force, added: "We found it in a very difficult place to access, with a risk of falling at any time.

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