Microsoft Fabric obtains real-time information to produce instant insights from streaming data

Join We In to come back has new York on June 5th has collaborate with executive leaders In exploring complete methods For audit AI models concerning bias, performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Find out how You can attend here.

Today, has It is in progress Build 2024 conference, Microsoft announcement A major update For Fabric, It is unified platform For from start to finish data analytic. THE business said THE platform will NOW to have A new workload called Real time Intelligence, allow companies has ingest, analyze And take Actions on real time data flow.

While THE aptitude East always In Preview, he will enable companies has TO DO a lot more through their data domain, be he denunciation team led about in slow motion equipment Or report A failure on THE payment page. According to has Arun Ulagaratchagan, business vice president For Azure Data has Microsoft, THE aptitude can provide teams with “to the minute” knowledge, improvement their decision making In THE fast business environment.

"From ingestion has transformation, question, And socket immediate action, Real time Intelligence East A from start to finish experience that allow seamless handling of real time data without THE need has to land he First of all," he wrote In A Blog job.

When Microsoft spear Fabric last year, THE aim was has provide A unified place Or teams could combine all their data And tools has get knowledge more it's clear And effectively.

V.B. Event

THE AI Impact Tour: THE AI Verification

Join We as We back has new York on June 5th has to commit with high executive leaders, rummage In strategies For audit AI models has ensure justice, optimal performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Secure your presence For This exclusive invite only event.

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HAS launch, THE SaaS platform had A lake (A data lake offer) with Seven workloads running a top: Data Factory, Synapse Data Engineering, Synapse Data Science, Synapse Data Warehouse, Synapse Real time Analytic, Power BI And Data Activator. NOW, THE business East merger two of these – Real time Analytic And Data Activator – has launch A more able Real time Intelligence workload.

With THE new offer, users can ingest streaming data Since from Microsoft sources And third party cloud suppliers And platforms using out of the box connectors. SO, using low-code Or rich in code experience built by THE business, they can transform THE streams, request them For instant visual knowledge And together up Actions base on specific events, as deliverance A alert When A particular machine departures overheating.

THE module East supported by A dedicated Real time Hub, A Single location has discover, manage And consume all THE data In movement, including IoT sensor data, blogs And clickstream.

"All events that to flow through THE Real time hub can be easily transformed And conveyed has any of them Fabric data store And users can create new streams that can be discovered And consumes. From THE Real time hub, users can earn knowledge through THE data profile, configure THE RIGHT level of approval, together alerts on changing terms And more, all without exit THE hub," Ulagarachagan noted.

Microsoft Fabric obtains real-time information to produce instant insights from streaming data

Join We In to come back has new York on June 5th has collaborate with executive leaders In exploring complete methods For audit AI models concerning bias, performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Find out how You can attend here.

Today, has It is in progress Build 2024 conference, Microsoft announcement A major update For Fabric, It is unified platform For from start to finish data analytic. THE business said THE platform will NOW to have A new workload called Real time Intelligence, allow companies has ingest, analyze And take Actions on real time data flow.

While THE aptitude East always In Preview, he will enable companies has TO DO a lot more through their data domain, be he denunciation team led about in slow motion equipment Or report A failure on THE payment page. According to has Arun Ulagaratchagan, business vice president For Azure Data has Microsoft, THE aptitude can provide teams with “to the minute” knowledge, improvement their decision making In THE fast business environment.

"From ingestion has transformation, question, And socket immediate action, Real time Intelligence East A from start to finish experience that allow seamless handling of real time data without THE need has to land he First of all," he wrote In A Blog job.

When Microsoft spear Fabric last year, THE aim was has provide A unified place Or teams could combine all their data And tools has get knowledge more it's clear And effectively.

V.B. Event

THE AI Impact Tour: THE AI Verification

Join We as We back has new York on June 5th has to commit with high executive leaders, rummage In strategies For audit AI models has ensure justice, optimal performance, And ethics compliance through miscellaneous organizations. Secure your presence For This exclusive invite only event.

Request A invite

HAS launch, THE SaaS platform had A lake (A data lake offer) with Seven workloads running a top: Data Factory, Synapse Data Engineering, Synapse Data Science, Synapse Data Warehouse, Synapse Real time Analytic, Power BI And Data Activator. NOW, THE business East merger two of these – Real time Analytic And Data Activator – has launch A more able Real time Intelligence workload.

With THE new offer, users can ingest streaming data Since from Microsoft sources And third party cloud suppliers And platforms using out of the box connectors. SO, using low-code Or rich in code experience built by THE business, they can transform THE streams, request them For instant visual knowledge And together up Actions base on specific events, as deliverance A alert When A particular machine departures overheating.

THE module East supported by A dedicated Real time Hub, A Single location has discover, manage And consume all THE data In movement, including IoT sensor data, blogs And clickstream.

"All events that to flow through THE Real time hub can be easily transformed And conveyed has any of them Fabric data store And users can create new streams that can be discovered And consumes. From THE Real time hub, users can earn knowledge through THE data profile, configure THE RIGHT level of approval, together alerts on changing terms And more, all without exit THE hub," Ulagarachagan noted.

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