MP calls on Brits to leave Iran after regime arrests two British nationals

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A senior MP has advised all Westerners to leave Iran after authorities arrested seven people with links to Britain, some of whom hold dual nationality .

Alicia Kearns, chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, said Iran had shown it would be 'happy' to detain people as it seeks blame foreign powers for escalating protests against her own repressive rule.

She also expressed concern that people could be arrested even as they tried to flee the country. According to Iranian state media: "Seven key leaders of recent UK-linked protests have been arrested by IRGC [Revolutionary Guard] intelligence, including dual nationals who were trying to leave the country."< /p>

Ms Kearns said: 'My concern is very serious. The fact is that Iran has shown that it would gladly arrest anyone with dual nationality.

“If I was a British foreigner in Iran, I would absolutely leave. Because there is evidence that they will use them in any game of chess possible and they will face brutal repression…I would encourage anyone who was western to try to leave Iran in completely safe.

Iran's Foreign Ministry says arrests of UK-linked citizens prove Britain played a "destructive role" in recent protests in Iran.

< p>The unrest began in September after the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested under Iran's strict Islamic dress code for wearing "inappropriate" clothing.

Alicia Kearns warns of brutal treatment by Iranian regime

Tehran has accused foreign enemies and their agents of orchestrating the protests, which have turned into a popular uprising by Iranians from all walks of life, posing one of the boldest challenges to the country's religious leaders since the 1979 revolution.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said the foreign detainees' respective governments had been informed, but the Foreign Ministry said it was seeking still clarification.

Asked by a reporter to comment on the arrest of seven people linked to Britain, he said: “Some countries, especially the one you mentioned, have played a role unconstructive in recent developments in Iran. Their role was utterly destructive and incited riots."

Iranian human ri...

MP calls on Brits to leave Iran after regime arrests two British nationals
IndyEatSign up for Inside Politics email for your briefing free daily on the biggest stories in British politicsGet our free Inside Politics emailPlease enter a valid email addressPlease enter a valid email addressI would like to be notified by email about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy notice{{ #verifyErrors }}{{ message }}{{ /verifyErrors }}{{ ^verifyErrors }}An error has occurred. Please try again later{{ /verifyErrors }}

A senior MP has advised all Westerners to leave Iran after authorities arrested seven people with links to Britain, some of whom hold dual nationality .

Alicia Kearns, chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, said Iran had shown it would be 'happy' to detain people as it seeks blame foreign powers for escalating protests against her own repressive rule.

She also expressed concern that people could be arrested even as they tried to flee the country. According to Iranian state media: "Seven key leaders of recent UK-linked protests have been arrested by IRGC [Revolutionary Guard] intelligence, including dual nationals who were trying to leave the country."< /p>

Ms Kearns said: 'My concern is very serious. The fact is that Iran has shown that it would gladly arrest anyone with dual nationality.

“If I was a British foreigner in Iran, I would absolutely leave. Because there is evidence that they will use them in any game of chess possible and they will face brutal repression…I would encourage anyone who was western to try to leave Iran in completely safe.

Iran's Foreign Ministry says arrests of UK-linked citizens prove Britain played a "destructive role" in recent protests in Iran.

< p>The unrest began in September after the death in custody of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested under Iran's strict Islamic dress code for wearing "inappropriate" clothing.

Alicia Kearns warns of brutal treatment by Iranian regime

Tehran has accused foreign enemies and their agents of orchestrating the protests, which have turned into a popular uprising by Iranians from all walks of life, posing one of the boldest challenges to the country's religious leaders since the 1979 revolution.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said the foreign detainees' respective governments had been informed, but the Foreign Ministry said it was seeking still clarification.

Asked by a reporter to comment on the arrest of seven people linked to Britain, he said: “Some countries, especially the one you mentioned, have played a role unconstructive in recent developments in Iran. Their role was utterly destructive and incited riots."

Iranian human ri...

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