My Most Romantic Moment: A Handsome Man Brought Me A Sandwich - And I Knew He Was A Keeper

There's a saying among particularly exhausting first-year student lawyers: "Don't end a relationship in apprenticeship, but don't start one either. " The saying speaks of the intense nature of this time and the lack of space for a personal life. The hours can be relentless; weekends are non-existent, especially for a young criminal lawyer. The criminal justice system doesn't have weekends, so neither do you.

Of course, that didn't stop me from hanging out in London's gay bars at any time. I could find. One Sunday afternoon, sitting in rooms and desperately trying to meet a deadline for court the next day, I let my mind drift to the thought of the handsome Irishman I had met a few weeks earlier at a one of those rare moments of respite. With a mountain of work ahead of me and not enough hours in the day to win her over, I did what any sane person would do: I texted her to say hello.

We quickly exchanged messages and he asked me if I had time to take a short break. Although he wasn't working that day, he had to retrieve something from his office, which was in the corner. I was tempted, especially because I was starving, and I told him. But I didn't have time and, anyway, nothing nearby was open. Any other day of the week the city would have been bustling, but on Sunday it sleeps.

Mohsin Zaidi with her husbandThe handsome Irishman graciously offered not to be a distraction anymore. Having not eaten all day, I was becoming increasingly stressed and tired. The suit clouded my judgment and, at the instead of feeding myself, I decided that securing my livelihood would be a waste of valuable time.Between a review of Section 9 of the Theft Act 1968 and the sentencing guidelines for domestic burglary s, I thought mainly of the Nando that I would order as a reward for my hard work when I got home.

My dreams of grilled halloumi were interrupted by a ping from my phone. Message from the handsome Irishman: “I left a sandwich and a yogurt at the reception. I hope you like tuna and blueberries. Not together though. It would be weird. ”

I rushed to reception, thinking it was because I was hungry, but knowing it was because I wanted to catch a glimpse. I didn't, which made her gesture all the more perfect.

After inhaling the food, I texted a good friend to tell him what had happened. “I thought you weren't supposed to start a relationship during pupillage?! He looks like a guardian,” she replied. Despite her failure to deliver the cheeky Nando of my dreams, she was right. We are together for seven years, we got married a few months ago and have shared many halloumi pittas since.

My Most Romantic Moment: A Handsome Man Brought Me A Sandwich - And I Knew He Was A Keeper

There's a saying among particularly exhausting first-year student lawyers: "Don't end a relationship in apprenticeship, but don't start one either. " The saying speaks of the intense nature of this time and the lack of space for a personal life. The hours can be relentless; weekends are non-existent, especially for a young criminal lawyer. The criminal justice system doesn't have weekends, so neither do you.

Of course, that didn't stop me from hanging out in London's gay bars at any time. I could find. One Sunday afternoon, sitting in rooms and desperately trying to meet a deadline for court the next day, I let my mind drift to the thought of the handsome Irishman I had met a few weeks earlier at a one of those rare moments of respite. With a mountain of work ahead of me and not enough hours in the day to win her over, I did what any sane person would do: I texted her to say hello.

We quickly exchanged messages and he asked me if I had time to take a short break. Although he wasn't working that day, he had to retrieve something from his office, which was in the corner. I was tempted, especially because I was starving, and I told him. But I didn't have time and, anyway, nothing nearby was open. Any other day of the week the city would have been bustling, but on Sunday it sleeps.

Mohsin Zaidi with her husbandThe handsome Irishman graciously offered not to be a distraction anymore. Having not eaten all day, I was becoming increasingly stressed and tired. The suit clouded my judgment and, at the instead of feeding myself, I decided that securing my livelihood would be a waste of valuable time.Between a review of Section 9 of the Theft Act 1968 and the sentencing guidelines for domestic burglary s, I thought mainly of the Nando that I would order as a reward for my hard work when I got home.

My dreams of grilled halloumi were interrupted by a ping from my phone. Message from the handsome Irishman: “I left a sandwich and a yogurt at the reception. I hope you like tuna and blueberries. Not together though. It would be weird. ”

I rushed to reception, thinking it was because I was hungry, but knowing it was because I wanted to catch a glimpse. I didn't, which made her gesture all the more perfect.

After inhaling the food, I texted a good friend to tell him what had happened. “I thought you weren't supposed to start a relationship during pupillage?! He looks like a guardian,” she replied. Despite her failure to deliver the cheeky Nando of my dreams, she was right. We are together for seven years, we got married a few months ago and have shared many halloumi pittas since.

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