A blood test to detect cancer? Some patients are already using them.

When her husband was in progress cancer treatment, Cindy Pérez of South West ranches, Florida., learned about A new blood test that could help find early cancers. THE 50 years said She felt GOOD, but her husband exhorted her has take THE test anyway.

HAS her surprise, THE blood test — called Galleries — came back positive. Analyzes revealed A little tumor In her elder And A diagnostic of coat cell lymphoma, A rare but aggressive form of cancer. She was treaty And NOW, two years later, she is In discount. "For Me, THE test was A miracle," She said. "A real big miracle."

A lot experts believe that such tests, which analyze substances In THE blood that could indicate cancer, represent A outstanding new chapter In cancer detection. THE tests can be especially useful discovery "silent" cancers — such as pancreatic Or ovarian cancer — which often don't do it cause symptoms until THE disease East advance And more difficult has process.

"He opens up A entire new world," said Eric Klein, A scientist has THE health care business Grail WHO developed Gallery, A multi-cancer detection test. "It is THE not satisfied need We confront In cancer. »

History keep on going below advertising


History keep on going below advertising


Discovery early cancer “signals”

When her husband was in progress cancer treatment, Cindy Pérez of South West ranches, Florida., learned about A new blood test that could help find early cancers. THE 50 years said She felt GOOD, but her husband exhorted her has take THE test anyway.

HAS her surprise, THE blood test — called Galleries — came back positive. Analyzes revealed A little tumor In her elder And A diagnostic of coat cell lymphoma, A rare but aggressive form of cancer. She was treaty And NOW, two years later, she is In discount. "For Me, THE test was A miracle," She said. "A real big miracle."

A lot experts believe that such tests, which analyze substances In THE blood that could indicate cancer, represent A outstanding new chapter In cancer detection. THE tests can be especially useful discovery "silent" cancers — such as pancreatic Or ovarian cancer — which often don't do it cause symptoms until THE disease East advance And more difficult has process.

"He opens up A entire new world," said Eric Klein, A scientist has THE health care business Grail WHO developed Gallery, A multi-cancer detection test. "It is THE not satisfied need We confront In cancer. »

History keep on going below advertising


History keep on going below advertising


Discovery early cancer “signals”

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