African Games: Nigeria relay teams dominate with double gold medal ahead of Ghana

Team Nigeria appreciated A Golden day on THE track has THE in progress African Games In Ghana, reach A to do the housework sweep of THE 4x100m relay titles.

A little minutes After to input gold In THE 100m obstacles event, Tobi Amusan anchor THE Nigerian Women's team has A dominant victory In THE 4x100m relay, pointing A blistering 43.06 seconds.

Justine Eyakpobeyan, Olajide Olayinka, And Before Abinusawa combined brilliantly with Amusan has secure THE gold medal.

Liberia, despite qualification the fastest, And Ghana WHO had THE House crowd behind them were No match For THE powerful Nigerian quartet.

FIRS Double Victory

While a few had tip THE Ghana team For gold In THE Men's race, he finished In Nigeria service as THE Men's 4x100m team stormed has victory In 38.41 seconds.

Sunday Israel OK, Consider Ekanem, Alaba Akintola, And Ousheoritse Itsekiri book A commanding officer performance.

READ ALSO: African Games: Amusan finished hat trick of gold medals

Ghana finished A close second In 38.43 seconds, while Liberia took bronze with A time of 38.73 seconds.With THE double relay gold, Team Nigeria harvest four gold medals Since Athletics on Wednesday as THE country keep on going has socket tight has THE second position on THE generally medals table.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contributing has PRIME TIMES, You are portion has sustain A journalism of relevance And ensure he remains free And available has everything. Make a donation [embedded content]

TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999


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African Games: Nigeria relay teams dominate with double gold medal ahead of Ghana

Team Nigeria appreciated A Golden day on THE track has THE in progress African Games In Ghana, reach A to do the housework sweep of THE 4x100m relay titles.

A little minutes After to input gold In THE 100m obstacles event, Tobi Amusan anchor THE Nigerian Women's team has A dominant victory In THE 4x100m relay, pointing A blistering 43.06 seconds.

Justine Eyakpobeyan, Olajide Olayinka, And Before Abinusawa combined brilliantly with Amusan has secure THE gold medal.

Liberia, despite qualification the fastest, And Ghana WHO had THE House crowd behind them were No match For THE powerful Nigerian quartet.

FIRS Double Victory

While a few had tip THE Ghana team For gold In THE Men's race, he finished In Nigeria service as THE Men's 4x100m team stormed has victory In 38.41 seconds.

Sunday Israel OK, Consider Ekanem, Alaba Akintola, And Ousheoritse Itsekiri book A commanding officer performance.

READ ALSO: African Games: Amusan finished hat trick of gold medals

Ghana finished A close second In 38.43 seconds, while Liberia took bronze with A time of 38.73 seconds.With THE double relay gold, Team Nigeria harvest four gold medals Since Athletics on Wednesday as THE country keep on going has socket tight has THE second position on THE generally medals table.

Support PRIME TIMES' journalism of integrity And credibility GOOD journalism costs A plot of money. Again only GOOD journalism can ensure THE possibility of A GOOD Company, A indebted democracy, And A transparent government. For continued free to access has THE best investigator journalism In THE country We ask You has consider manufacturing A modest support has This noble effort. By contributing has PRIME TIMES, You are portion has sustain A journalism of relevance And ensure he remains free And available has everything. Make a donation [embedded content]

TEXT ANNOUNCEMENT: Call Willie - +2348098788999


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