Angled drill guide helps you with those tricky holes

If you've ever tried to drill a hole on an angle with a power drill, you've probably drilled some pretty shocking holes. To do it right, you really need some mechanical assistance, and this jig from [Kartik_Nandrui] should do the trick.

The device uses a guide that rests on the surface to be drilled, with a pair of angled connectors that fit two wooden dowels. These connect the guide to a corresponding sleeve which fits around the body of the bit. The sleeve then slides up and down over the pegs, allowing the drill to move in a straight line to the targeted area.

It's a useful hack, but we can see room for a few improvements that would take it to the next level. Having a way to lock the angle of the guide base would be great for accuracy. Since it's 3D printed, it would also be simple to create a version with a curved guide base that could fit over pipes, or other designs to accommodate complex geometries like roof sheets or dings. other corrugated materials.

Sometimes the most interesting hacks are the ones that make us think about our own potential projects. If you have any creative tool hacks you prepared in the lab, be sure to let us know!

Angled drill guide helps you with those tricky holes

If you've ever tried to drill a hole on an angle with a power drill, you've probably drilled some pretty shocking holes. To do it right, you really need some mechanical assistance, and this jig from [Kartik_Nandrui] should do the trick.

The device uses a guide that rests on the surface to be drilled, with a pair of angled connectors that fit two wooden dowels. These connect the guide to a corresponding sleeve which fits around the body of the bit. The sleeve then slides up and down over the pegs, allowing the drill to move in a straight line to the targeted area.

It's a useful hack, but we can see room for a few improvements that would take it to the next level. Having a way to lock the angle of the guide base would be great for accuracy. Since it's 3D printed, it would also be simple to create a version with a curved guide base that could fit over pipes, or other designs to accommodate complex geometries like roof sheets or dings. other corrugated materials.

Sometimes the most interesting hacks are the ones that make us think about our own potential projects. If you have any creative tool hacks you prepared in the lab, be sure to let us know!

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