As Amotekun releases a new body, Akeredolu promises adequate equipment

In light of controversies over the arming of sub-national security agencies in the country, Ondo State Governor Rotimi Akeredolu renewed his commitment to provide adequate equipment to the security network of the State, Amotekun.

The governor said on Monday that Amotekun's corps would be armed according to law, otherwise the training would be inadequate and the lives of "great patriots" would be endangered.

Mr. Akeredolu spoke at Amotekun's Body Class 3 and 4 Pass Out Parade.

He said last week that he would acquire sophisticated weapons for the team to protect his people, and chastised the federal government for approving the same for Katsina State while stripping Amotekun of the same privilege.

The Northern Elders Forum called the move illegal and unconstitutional, saying the governors were taking advantage of loopholes in the country's security situation.

Hakeem Baba Ahmed, who is the chairman of the forum, in an interview with Channels TV on Sunday said that the failure of the federal police had led to the current situation and accused Mr. Akeredolu and others state governors to play at the gallery.

Governor Rotimi Akeredolu inaugurates 'Amotekun' in Ondo [PHOTO CREDIT: Twitter @RotimiAkeredolu TEXEM Advert READ ALSO:

"The efforts of our determined and valiant staff at Amotekun since its inception are to be recognized, encouraged and heartily commended. We must all stand up at this time to recognize their efforts.

"For our part, we will continue to support the operational capacity of all state security agencies, both in terms of equipment and the well-being of their personnel.

“The recent donation of 50 equipped patrol vehicles demonstrates our determination to be up to date in the fight against crime and criminality because, without a secure environment, it can never be visible and...

As Amotekun releases a new body, Akeredolu promises adequate equipment

In light of controversies over the arming of sub-national security agencies in the country, Ondo State Governor Rotimi Akeredolu renewed his commitment to provide adequate equipment to the security network of the State, Amotekun.

The governor said on Monday that Amotekun's corps would be armed according to law, otherwise the training would be inadequate and the lives of "great patriots" would be endangered.

Mr. Akeredolu spoke at Amotekun's Body Class 3 and 4 Pass Out Parade.

He said last week that he would acquire sophisticated weapons for the team to protect his people, and chastised the federal government for approving the same for Katsina State while stripping Amotekun of the same privilege.

The Northern Elders Forum called the move illegal and unconstitutional, saying the governors were taking advantage of loopholes in the country's security situation.

Hakeem Baba Ahmed, who is the chairman of the forum, in an interview with Channels TV on Sunday said that the failure of the federal police had led to the current situation and accused Mr. Akeredolu and others state governors to play at the gallery.

Governor Rotimi Akeredolu inaugurates 'Amotekun' in Ondo [PHOTO CREDIT: Twitter @RotimiAkeredolu TEXEM Advert READ ALSO:

"The efforts of our determined and valiant staff at Amotekun since its inception are to be recognized, encouraged and heartily commended. We must all stand up at this time to recognize their efforts.

"For our part, we will continue to support the operational capacity of all state security agencies, both in terms of equipment and the well-being of their personnel.

“The recent donation of 50 equipped patrol vehicles demonstrates our determination to be up to date in the fight against crime and criminality because, without a secure environment, it can never be visible and...

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