Biofortification can fight malnutrition and increase farmers’ incomes —NABDA

THE Director General of THE National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), Teacher Abdallahi Mustafa has said that using biofortification has In factory reproduction can struggle THE scourge of malnutrition And Also increase THE income of small farmer farmers.

Teacher Mustafa WHO declared This has THE Ground Breakup Hybrid Conference, detained has J.S. Tarka University, Markudi, note that using biofortification varieties alternately In existing intercropping system with but, yams And legumes can booster dietetics.

He further declared that micronutrient deficiencies mostly due has lack of vitamin A, zinc And iron underlie a lot of This malnutrition epidemic as clip reframe addiction provides insufficient essential nutrients.

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"By using biofortified varieties alternately In existing intercropping system with but, yams And legumes can booster dietetic. But Also offers appropriate entrance indicate be A traditional clip reframe And vital food security pillar For Nigerian small farmer Farmers", teacher Abdallahi said.

Rich in micronutrients but integrated In regular diets will help counter recurrent Vitamin A deficiencies And protein deficiencies affecting children And the mothers while breeding Farmers' income.

"These resilient, climate clever cereals adapted has laughed at areas Already provide major calorie sources a lot rooms of THE country. Biofortifier them can Thus sustainably relieve malnutrition.

“Popularize rich in iron cowpea And soy will advantage Women's health And productivity given their high nutritional needs.

"Generally, integration such improved varieties through Nigeria miscellaneous agro-ecologies can deeply impact malnutrition if Strategies Also enable Farmers' adoption And consumption", he said.

THE NABDA Chief However said THE generation of rich in micronutrients crops through THE to use of biotechnology East more cost effective, sustainable And realistic.

President Factory Breeders Association of Nigeria (PBAN), Teacher Terkimbi Vange said THE conference goals has provide A platform For researchers, scientists, educators, policy makers, And industry stakeholders has share awareness And breakthroughs In factory reproduction, to favor discussions, And contributing has sector advancement.

He said THE conference will facilitate Connections And collaborations among participants For research projects, Resource sharing, And addressing industry challenges.

Teacher Vange further declared that through THE conference, there will be A engagement with policy makers, government body, And industry stakeholders has address crucial problems, lawyer For favorable Strategies, And shape THE future of factory reproduction practices In Nigeria.

Biofortification can fight malnutrition and increase farmers’ incomes —NABDA

THE Director General of THE National Biotechnology Development Agency (NABDA), Teacher Abdallahi Mustafa has said that using biofortification has In factory reproduction can struggle THE scourge of malnutrition And Also increase THE income of small farmer farmers.

Teacher Mustafa WHO declared This has THE Ground Breakup Hybrid Conference, detained has J.S. Tarka University, Markudi, note that using biofortification varieties alternately In existing intercropping system with but, yams And legumes can booster dietetics.

He further declared that micronutrient deficiencies mostly due has lack of vitamin A, zinc And iron underlie a lot of This malnutrition epidemic as clip reframe addiction provides insufficient essential nutrients.

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"By using biofortified varieties alternately In existing intercropping system with but, yams And legumes can booster dietetic. But Also offers appropriate entrance indicate be A traditional clip reframe And vital food security pillar For Nigerian small farmer Farmers", teacher Abdallahi said.

Rich in micronutrients but integrated In regular diets will help counter recurrent Vitamin A deficiencies And protein deficiencies affecting children And the mothers while breeding Farmers' income.

"These resilient, climate clever cereals adapted has laughed at areas Already provide major calorie sources a lot rooms of THE country. Biofortifier them can Thus sustainably relieve malnutrition.

“Popularize rich in iron cowpea And soy will advantage Women's health And productivity given their high nutritional needs.

"Generally, integration such improved varieties through Nigeria miscellaneous agro-ecologies can deeply impact malnutrition if Strategies Also enable Farmers' adoption And consumption", he said.

THE NABDA Chief However said THE generation of rich in micronutrients crops through THE to use of biotechnology East more cost effective, sustainable And realistic.

President Factory Breeders Association of Nigeria (PBAN), Teacher Terkimbi Vange said THE conference goals has provide A platform For researchers, scientists, educators, policy makers, And industry stakeholders has share awareness And breakthroughs In factory reproduction, to favor discussions, And contributing has sector advancement.

He said THE conference will facilitate Connections And collaborations among participants For research projects, Resource sharing, And addressing industry challenges.

Teacher Vange further declared that through THE conference, there will be A engagement with policy makers, government body, And industry stakeholders has address crucial problems, lawyer For favorable Strategies, And shape THE future of factory reproduction practices In Nigeria.

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