Blind BBC News correspondent Sean Dilley beats attacker who stole his phone

Sean Dilley holds his phone and white cane
By Kathryn ArmstrongBBC News

Blind BBC reporter says he "instinctively" jumped on a mugger ur who had stolen his cell phone - one and managed to get it back.

Sean Dilley was targeted on Tuesday while taking a break during a night shift at London's New Broadcasting House.

A person on a bicycle snatched the phone - but Dilley didn't give up easily and instead took the split-second decision to try to arrest his attacker.

He said afterwards that he suspected he had been targeted because of his blindness.

A member of the public is authorized to attempt an arrest if they suspect serious foul play is in progress and they have the intention to return the suspect to police custody as soon as possible.

The news correspondent took the opportunity when he felt that s one attacker was still next to him, he jumped in that direction and managed to knock them to the ground.

He then restrained their arms and was able to retrieve his phone.

Dilley suffered several cut themselves and injured their elbows in the incident, which happened just before 0600 GMT. He said he was concerned about protecting himself but also wanted to make sure the person was as safe as possible.

Blind BBC News correspondent Sean Dilley beats attacker who stole his phone
Sean Dilley holds his phone and white cane
By Kathryn ArmstrongBBC News

Blind BBC reporter says he "instinctively" jumped on a mugger ur who had stolen his cell phone - one and managed to get it back.

Sean Dilley was targeted on Tuesday while taking a break during a night shift at London's New Broadcasting House.

A person on a bicycle snatched the phone - but Dilley didn't give up easily and instead took the split-second decision to try to arrest his attacker.

He said afterwards that he suspected he had been targeted because of his blindness.

A member of the public is authorized to attempt an arrest if they suspect serious foul play is in progress and they have the intention to return the suspect to police custody as soon as possible.

The news correspondent took the opportunity when he felt that s one attacker was still next to him, he jumped in that direction and managed to knock them to the ground.

He then restrained their arms and was able to retrieve his phone.

Dilley suffered several cut themselves and injured their elbows in the incident, which happened just before 0600 GMT. He said he was concerned about protecting himself but also wanted to make sure the person was as safe as possible.

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