Capitalizing on arts and crafts to combat unemployment in Nigeria

A of THE main challenges Nigeria East focused towards as A nation East unemployment. THE high rate of youth unemployment East THE main reason youth go In crime.

Today, THE majority of crimes be engaged are by well-educated youth WHO, instead of pipeline their energy In productive businesses, direct them has crime.

Most of THE people be for follow-up For the Internet crimes Today are all well-educated youth WHO, if correctly directed, can contribute positively has THE development of THE country.

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NOW, A of THE The easiest manners through which youth can be in a remunerative manner employee East For THE government has all levels has to focus on arts And crafts.

For example, youth can be qualified In manufacturing attach And dye materials, works of art, woven baskets, artistic necklaces, slippers do Since used the tires, among others, with special to focus on export.

While a lot Africans don't do it value What they to have, these some products are 'hot cakes' In Western countries And This can help generate THE necessary stranger exchange.

In do, A GOOD thing East that interested youth can not Really need has learn how has produce these some products, but can source them out And with their awareness of THE the Internet, they can to start has sell THE some products worldwide. This will SO eliminate THE need has fooled foreigners In ghost projects Since they can easily sell their some products And TO DO thousands of dollars.

Having said This, he East important For THE government, schools And even religious organizations has to start projecting how unemployment can be addressed with arts And crafts.

Nigerian youth should be enlightened that they can even generate as a lot stranger currency Since arts And craftsmanship, which East legal And given peace of spirit, compared with has fraudulent the Internet activities.

He East, SO, expected that THE Ministry of Education has THE federal And State levels can take up This challenge by manufacturing arts And craftsmanship OBLIGATORY In THE school program.

THE National Museum Also has has been has THE foreground of training Nigerians, especially Housewives, widows, unemployed women And youth on arts, especially In attach And dye, And THE education ministry can partner with This federal Government agency on how has develop THE training.

Law East Assistant Museum Education Officer, National Museum of Unit, Ibadan.

Keywords: ArtsCraftNigeriaUnemployment

Capitalizing on arts and crafts to combat unemployment in Nigeria

A of THE main challenges Nigeria East focused towards as A nation East unemployment. THE high rate of youth unemployment East THE main reason youth go In crime.

Today, THE majority of crimes be engaged are by well-educated youth WHO, instead of pipeline their energy In productive businesses, direct them has crime.

Most of THE people be for follow-up For the Internet crimes Today are all well-educated youth WHO, if correctly directed, can contribute positively has THE development of THE country.

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NOW, A of THE The easiest manners through which youth can be in a remunerative manner employee East For THE government has all levels has to focus on arts And crafts.

For example, youth can be qualified In manufacturing attach And dye materials, works of art, woven baskets, artistic necklaces, slippers do Since used the tires, among others, with special to focus on export.

While a lot Africans don't do it value What they to have, these some products are 'hot cakes' In Western countries And This can help generate THE necessary stranger exchange.

In do, A GOOD thing East that interested youth can not Really need has learn how has produce these some products, but can source them out And with their awareness of THE the Internet, they can to start has sell THE some products worldwide. This will SO eliminate THE need has fooled foreigners In ghost projects Since they can easily sell their some products And TO DO thousands of dollars.

Having said This, he East important For THE government, schools And even religious organizations has to start projecting how unemployment can be addressed with arts And crafts.

Nigerian youth should be enlightened that they can even generate as a lot stranger currency Since arts And craftsmanship, which East legal And given peace of spirit, compared with has fraudulent the Internet activities.

He East, SO, expected that THE Ministry of Education has THE federal And State levels can take up This challenge by manufacturing arts And craftsmanship OBLIGATORY In THE school program.

THE National Museum Also has has been has THE foreground of training Nigerians, especially Housewives, widows, unemployed women And youth on arts, especially In attach And dye, And THE education ministry can partner with This federal Government agency on how has develop THE training.

Law East Assistant Museum Education Officer, National Museum of Unit, Ibadan.

Keywords: ArtsCraftNigeriaUnemployment

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