DBU shines spotlight on FIFA to ensure host countries respect human rights

November 29 – THE Danish F.A. (DBU) has said that In THE future THE organization will direct their critical towards FIFA And not host countries of THE World Cup In A offer has socket THE world federation more indebted.

This week THE DBU as GOOD as THE Norwegian Soccer Federation (NFF) income has Qatar, THE host nation of THE 2022 World Cup that received huge critical on their treatment of migrant workers WHO help build THE Infrastructure For THE global finals even if THE Gulf Country complaints that kafala has has been abolished.

"THE picture In Qatar A year After THE bathroom East very mixed," argued DBU general secretary Erik Brøgger Rasmussen. "GOOD things to have arrived, but there are always gaps In relationship has, For example, work rights. SO, FIFA must NOW take responsibility For THE Future final turns. »

DBU president jesper Moller was visibly absent In Doha. He do not appreciate A GOOD relationship with FFN president Lisa Klavesse WHO was Also In THE Qatari capital.

Klavesse pink has global cheer When She Underlines THE critical situation of migrant workers has last years FIFA Congress, a lot has THE consternation of THE global governing body And local organizers.

THE DBU said that they encounter with Qatari authorities, THE International Work Organization (ILO) And other stakeholders. On THE years THE ILO has defended work reforms In Qatar. THE the organization Doha desk However received major funding Since THE State of Qatar.

Later This year, THE FIFA Subcommittee on Human Rights And Social Responsibility, chaired by THE Hon Michael Lamas, will deliver A report has address THE legacy of THE Qatar World Cup And THE question of compensation For migrant workers.

Expectations around THE subcommittee report However are weak, reports Norwegian review Josimar. It is members, including THE chair of THE FIFA Governance, Audit And Compliance Committee Mukul Mudgal, lack human rights expertise.

"We are always on hold FIFA report concerning THE World Cup In Qatar. We believe that FIFA must A plot of answers In relationship has THE legacy of THE World Cup, among other things In relationship has compensation For migrant workers In Qatar," said Brøgger Rasmussen.

Earlier This year, FIFA of facto reward THE 2034 World Cup has Saudi Arabia, another Gulf Nation with A lamentable human rights save. He was THE second time that FIFA chief Gianni Infantino sidelined THE Congress In attribution THE accommodation rights of THE World Cup After THE decision has scene THE 2030 World Cup In six countries through three continents.

THE relevance of THE FIFA Congress will only be that he has has been LEFT has rubber stamp THE 2034 finals In Saudi Arabia following year. Human Rights Watch said that FIFA broken It is own rules by piloting THE World Cup towards THE Arab Kingdom.

"NOW We are to focus on THE future World Cup finals – both For Men And women – Or FIFA East responsible For setting THE frame SO that all World Cup hosts meet THE requirements For, among other things, human rights, work rights, press freedom, etc," said Brøgger Rasmussen. "He East not OUR responsibility as A individual soccer association has ensure that frame, but We will socket FIFA has ensure that THE requirements are encounter. »

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1701275255labto1701275255ofdlr1701275255owedi1701275255sni@i1701275255tnuk.1701275255ardni1701275255mas1701275255

DBU shines spotlight on FIFA to ensure host countries respect human rights

November 29 – THE Danish F.A. (DBU) has said that In THE future THE organization will direct their critical towards FIFA And not host countries of THE World Cup In A offer has socket THE world federation more indebted.

This week THE DBU as GOOD as THE Norwegian Soccer Federation (NFF) income has Qatar, THE host nation of THE 2022 World Cup that received huge critical on their treatment of migrant workers WHO help build THE Infrastructure For THE global finals even if THE Gulf Country complaints that kafala has has been abolished.

"THE picture In Qatar A year After THE bathroom East very mixed," argued DBU general secretary Erik Brøgger Rasmussen. "GOOD things to have arrived, but there are always gaps In relationship has, For example, work rights. SO, FIFA must NOW take responsibility For THE Future final turns. »

DBU president jesper Moller was visibly absent In Doha. He do not appreciate A GOOD relationship with FFN president Lisa Klavesse WHO was Also In THE Qatari capital.

Klavesse pink has global cheer When She Underlines THE critical situation of migrant workers has last years FIFA Congress, a lot has THE consternation of THE global governing body And local organizers.

THE DBU said that they encounter with Qatari authorities, THE International Work Organization (ILO) And other stakeholders. On THE years THE ILO has defended work reforms In Qatar. THE the organization Doha desk However received major funding Since THE State of Qatar.

Later This year, THE FIFA Subcommittee on Human Rights And Social Responsibility, chaired by THE Hon Michael Lamas, will deliver A report has address THE legacy of THE Qatar World Cup And THE question of compensation For migrant workers.

Expectations around THE subcommittee report However are weak, reports Norwegian review Josimar. It is members, including THE chair of THE FIFA Governance, Audit And Compliance Committee Mukul Mudgal, lack human rights expertise.

"We are always on hold FIFA report concerning THE World Cup In Qatar. We believe that FIFA must A plot of answers In relationship has THE legacy of THE World Cup, among other things In relationship has compensation For migrant workers In Qatar," said Brøgger Rasmussen.

Earlier This year, FIFA of facto reward THE 2034 World Cup has Saudi Arabia, another Gulf Nation with A lamentable human rights save. He was THE second time that FIFA chief Gianni Infantino sidelined THE Congress In attribution THE accommodation rights of THE World Cup After THE decision has scene THE 2030 World Cup In six countries through three continents.

THE relevance of THE FIFA Congress will only be that he has has been LEFT has rubber stamp THE 2034 finals In Saudi Arabia following year. Human Rights Watch said that FIFA broken It is own rules by piloting THE World Cup towards THE Arab Kingdom.

"NOW We are to focus on THE future World Cup finals – both For Men And women – Or FIFA East responsible For setting THE frame SO that all World Cup hosts meet THE requirements For, among other things, human rights, work rights, press freedom, etc," said Brøgger Rasmussen. "He East not OUR responsibility as A individual soccer association has ensure that frame, but We will socket FIFA has ensure that THE requirements are encounter. »

Contact THE writer of This history has moc.l1701275255labto1701275255ofdlr1701275255owedi1701275255sni@i1701275255tnuk.1701275255ardni1701275255mas1701275255

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