Delta senatorial candidate calls for NASS investigation

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A former Nigerian naval officer, Commodore Omatseye Nesiama (Retired) Monday in Warri, Delta State, challenged Nigerians to take a critical look at the activities of the National Assembly.< /p>

Nesiama, who is the New Nigeria People's Party candidate for the Southern Delta Senatorial District, said NASS activities have contributed in part to the current socio-economic difficulties in the country.

The retired naval officer said forcefully in an interactive session with reporters that “if the executive is not working, it is foolhardy for lawmakers to say the government is bad.”< /p>

“The government can only be bad when the legislature is really bad,” he added.

According to him, "if legislators do not perform their functions effectively and defeat the executive, if necessary, "then we give the executive the freedom to do what it wants".

He added, "So when we say we have a bad government, let's start with how the legislature is made up.

"If we have a legislature that is an automatic buffer, for any bill that comes along, they just approve it, then we'll end up where we are today. Probably worse tomorrow.

"This is the criticality of a legislature and this is why I have chosen to answer the call to enter the National Assembly for the position of Senate in the senatorial district of Delta Puth".< /p>

Nesiama lamented that Nigerians had failed to pay due attention to the role of legislators in national politics.

"We haven't paid much attention to this area of ​​our national political development thinking that anyone can go to parliament, and that's our biggest loss," he said .

According to him, "The South Delta Senatorial District is again one of the most important Senate districts in this country. It's a very viable Senate district where things are supposed to work better. But because we are asleep, we let things happen as they were.

"But thank God today it is possible to change all these negative aspects and this possibility can only happen when we believe, above all, that it is possible".

He explained that candidates for the National Assembly should be those who have the quality to be able to articulate their views and present their positions and the demands of their people in a convincing manner in such a way that so that other legislators can join because it is a game of skill and wit in the National Assembly”.

Commenting on the recurrent crisis in the Niger Delta region, the retired naval officer blamed the authorities for their "poor strategic thinking and development plans".

He said ""If we have strategic thinkers and they get to work, we won't end up where we are. And our legislators would be different legislators who would legislate in the best interest of the people.”

On the Petroleum Industry Act, he called for greater scrutiny to ensure that modular refineries are licensed to oil-producing communities and require those communities to take responsibility for protecting any pipeline that criss-crosses their territory.

"If this is done, the incidences of pipeline ruptures and destruction will decrease significantly," he said.

Nesiama, however, told reporters that the problem of crude oil security in Nigeria goes beyond monitoring pipelines, just as he dropped a bombshell that "some of the statements that were made about the theft of crude oil are lies".

He said: "I have operated and I can tell you. If the amount of stolen crude oil that has been reported every day in this country is actually coming out of this country, you come and show me the number of ships that enter our territorial waters on a daily basis. This means that we are talking about very large crude carriers.

"And in all of our coastal areas, the Navy has surveillance raiders that can detect any vessel entering clean Nigerian territory.

"So what I'm going to tell you for free is that most of these companies don't produce as much as they claim. In order to cover up their shortcomings, they turn to stealing crude oil."

Delta senatorial candidate calls for NASS investigation

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A former Nigerian naval officer, Commodore Omatseye Nesiama (Retired) Monday in Warri, Delta State, challenged Nigerians to take a critical look at the activities of the National Assembly.< /p>

Nesiama, who is the New Nigeria People's Party candidate for the Southern Delta Senatorial District, said NASS activities have contributed in part to the current socio-economic difficulties in the country.

The retired naval officer said forcefully in an interactive session with reporters that “if the executive is not working, it is foolhardy for lawmakers to say the government is bad.”< /p>

“The government can only be bad when the legislature is really bad,” he added.

According to him, "if legislators do not perform their functions effectively and defeat the executive, if necessary, "then we give the executive the freedom to do what it wants".

He added, "So when we say we have a bad government, let's start with how the legislature is made up.

"If we have a legislature that is an automatic buffer, for any bill that comes along, they just approve it, then we'll end up where we are today. Probably worse tomorrow.

"This is the criticality of a legislature and this is why I have chosen to answer the call to enter the National Assembly for the position of Senate in the senatorial district of Delta Puth".< /p>

Nesiama lamented that Nigerians had failed to pay due attention to the role of legislators in national politics.

"We haven't paid much attention to this area of ​​our national political development thinking that anyone can go to parliament, and that's our biggest loss," he said .

According to him, "The South Delta Senatorial District is again one of the most important Senate districts in this country. It's a very viable Senate district where things are supposed to work better. But because we are asleep, we let things happen as they were.

"But thank God today it is possible to change all these negative aspects and this possibility can only happen when we believe, above all, that it is possible".

He explained that candidates for the National Assembly should be those who have the quality to be able to articulate their views and present their positions and the demands of their people in a convincing manner in such a way that so that other legislators can join because it is a game of skill and wit in the National Assembly”.

Commenting on the recurrent crisis in the Niger Delta region, the retired naval officer blamed the authorities for their "poor strategic thinking and development plans".

He said ""If we have strategic thinkers and they get to work, we won't end up where we are. And our legislators would be different legislators who would legislate in the best interest of the people.”

On the Petroleum Industry Act, he called for greater scrutiny to ensure that modular refineries are licensed to oil-producing communities and require those communities to take responsibility for protecting any pipeline that criss-crosses their territory.

"If this is done, the incidences of pipeline ruptures and destruction will decrease significantly," he said.

Nesiama, however, told reporters that the problem of crude oil security in Nigeria goes beyond monitoring pipelines, just as he dropped a bombshell that "some of the statements that were made about the theft of crude oil are lies".

He said: "I have operated and I can tell you. If the amount of stolen crude oil that has been reported every day in this country is actually coming out of this country, you come and show me the number of ships that enter our territorial waters on a daily basis. This means that we are talking about very large crude carriers.

"And in all of our coastal areas, the Navy has surveillance raiders that can detect any vessel entering clean Nigerian territory.

"So what I'm going to tell you for free is that most of these companies don't produce as much as they claim. In order to cover up their shortcomings, they turn to stealing crude oil."

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