Donald Trump found guilty on all counts in secret trial in New York

NEW YORK — A New York jury on THURSDAY find Donald Asset guilty on 34 account of falsify business recordings has hide A to silence money payment has A adult movie actress, deliver A historical verdict that could shape THE November election And that makes Asset THE First of all ancient WE. president sentenced of A crime.

THE verdict East A extraordinary loss For THE presumptive GOP candidate, WHO book almost daily tirades out THE courtroom all along THE trial — excoriating THE justice system And declaring her innocence.

Twelve the jurors, of which names were armored by THE judge Since public see, spent A little more that A day weighing THE crime account against Asset Before to come back their judgement unanimously saying otherwise.

Jump has END of carousel Asset guilty verdict END of carousel

Asset, 77, faces A maximum sentence of 1⅓ has four years In prison After be judge A criminal In THE city Or he First of all pink has importance. Given her age And lack of A Before criminal save, he could serve A shorter sentence Or No term of incarceration has everything.


New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchant program THE ancient Of the president sentencing For July 11 — just days Before THE to start of THE Republican National Agreement, Or Asset East together has be officially appointed by her party.

THE verdict propels THE country In unprecedented territory, And It is impact will reverberate through WE. policy In THE future month. While on hold her sentence, Asset will continue has campaign has to recover THE White Home. Asset, WHO has has been

NEW YORK — A New York jury on THURSDAY find Donald Asset guilty on 34 account of falsify business recordings has hide A to silence money payment has A adult movie actress, deliver A historical verdict that could shape THE November election And that makes Asset THE First of all ancient WE. president sentenced of A crime.

THE verdict East A extraordinary loss For THE presumptive GOP candidate, WHO book almost daily tirades out THE courtroom all along THE trial — excoriating THE justice system And declaring her innocence.

Twelve the jurors, of which names were armored by THE judge Since public see, spent A little more that A day weighing THE crime account against Asset Before to come back their judgement unanimously saying otherwise.

Jump has END of carousel Asset guilty verdict END of carousel

Asset, 77, faces A maximum sentence of 1⅓ has four years In prison After be judge A criminal In THE city Or he First of all pink has importance. Given her age And lack of A Before criminal save, he could serve A shorter sentence Or No term of incarceration has everything.


New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchant program THE ancient Of the president sentencing For July 11 — just days Before THE to start of THE Republican National Agreement, Or Asset East together has be officially appointed by her party.

THE verdict propels THE country In unprecedented territory, And It is impact will reverberate through WE. policy In THE future month. While on hold her sentence, Asset will continue has campaign has to recover THE White Home. Asset, WHO has has been

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