El Salvador exit polls show Nayib Bukele will win election

Exit survey data to show Nayib Bukele New (New) Ideas to party holding 87% of votes, while official Numbers are expected has come In shortly.

Exit ballots polls in El Salvador show Nayib Bukele that he will win the elections News Join We on social networks

Pro-Bitcoiner Nayib Bukele East widely expected has run For A second term as El that of Salvador president After new exit survey data noted her to party has won 87% of THE voice.

Bukele, WHO led THE " New (New) Ideas » to party, republished A X job Since Customer ID number Gallup on Feb. 5, showing him her to party holding 87% of votes, while her the closest competitors Manual Flores And Joel Sanchez socket 7% And 4% of THE votes, respectively. Should THE official results to show A similar lead, he would be serve as president until 2029.

Nayib Biukele are relegido Como president Fr El El Salvador (IDC Gallup - Boca of Urn) #ElectionsElSalvador2024 #cidgallup #bocadeurna pic.twitter.com/27LNpVknqj

— Customer ID number Gallup (@cidgallup) FEBRUARY 5, 2024

In A X job, Bukele said her own celebration data watch he has won THE election with more that 85% of THE voice And A minimum of 58 out of 60 deputies In THE assembly.

A spokesperson For THE country National Bitcoin Desk said Cointelegraph they to wait for A even upper proportion of voice going has Bukele once THE official results are out.

A X job Since Bukele about THE expected results of the El that of Salvador election. Source: X

Nayib Bukele do Bitcoin

El Salvador exit polls show Nayib Bukele will win election

Exit survey data to show Nayib Bukele New (New) Ideas to party holding 87% of votes, while official Numbers are expected has come In shortly.

Exit ballots polls in El Salvador show Nayib Bukele that he will win the elections News Join We on social networks

Pro-Bitcoiner Nayib Bukele East widely expected has run For A second term as El that of Salvador president After new exit survey data noted her to party has won 87% of THE voice.

Bukele, WHO led THE " New (New) Ideas » to party, republished A X job Since Customer ID number Gallup on Feb. 5, showing him her to party holding 87% of votes, while her the closest competitors Manual Flores And Joel Sanchez socket 7% And 4% of THE votes, respectively. Should THE official results to show A similar lead, he would be serve as president until 2029.

Nayib Biukele are relegido Como president Fr El El Salvador (IDC Gallup - Boca of Urn) #ElectionsElSalvador2024 #cidgallup #bocadeurna pic.twitter.com/27LNpVknqj

— Customer ID number Gallup (@cidgallup) FEBRUARY 5, 2024

In A X job, Bukele said her own celebration data watch he has won THE election with more that 85% of THE voice And A minimum of 58 out of 60 deputies In THE assembly.

A spokesperson For THE country National Bitcoin Desk said Cointelegraph they to wait for A even upper proportion of voice going has Bukele once THE official results are out.

A X job Since Bukele about THE expected results of the El that of Salvador election. Source: X

Nayib Bukele do Bitcoin

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