Former MP Bagos condemns the murder of four people in Plateau

Ancient President of THE Home of Representatives Committee on Science And Technology, Hon. Dachung Moussa Bagos on Monday sentenced THE murder of four people In Miango District of Bassa Local Government Area of Tray.

Hon. Bagos, WHO East A of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) Home of The representatives the legislators Since Plateau that were controversially sacked by THE Court of Call, do This statement In A statement In Abuja, observed that Nigeria East long late For THE creation of State Police.

He said THE continued murder of innocent people In Plateau State was "barbaric And insensitive" And must be stopped by THE security agencies.

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"I am saddened by THE murder of Again another four people on Monday In two villages of Miango District In Bassa LGA of Plateau State. This East most barbaric And insensitive. I called THE security agencies has up their game And put A END has This carnage.

"I am attractive has THE federal government has deploy more security agents In these trouble areas And take decisive not In END This continuous murder of OUR people In Plateau State. These bandits And attackers must be stop In their tracks," he recommended.

He argued that In see of THE booming And intractable insecurity through THE country, State police were THE only option LEFT For THE nation has struggle killer shepherds, insurgents And kidnappers.

THE legislator, WHO represented Jose East/Jos South Since 2019-2023 And was re-elected In 2023 said: "I to want has urge THE National Assembly has include State police In THE in progress Constitution amendment process. Nigeria East long late For State And I can ensure You, he East THE Of course path has contain THE excess of terrorist groups murder, mutilate And kidnapping with reckless give up.

"In Plateau State, We are ready And prepared has float THE State police because, We are gradually be destroyed by killer shepherds And The Terrorists, WHO are be address as bandits. He East NOW clear has everyone that THE federal security concerns are overwhelmed And desperately need help.

"State Police will checkmate THE devastating insecurity because he will be people by native of THE miscellaneous States And the communities, WHO are aware with their environments And THE residents. This will TO DO he Easier has fish out criminal elements And invaders. »

THE ancient legislator maintained that THE fear that State Police can be abused by Governors And can conflict with THE federal police do not socket water, insistent that: "THE Constitution will clearly define everyone role And will guard against abuse And interference not just Since THE governors but by other stakeholders.

"Also, For those WHO argue that States can not be able has funds State police, they should note that even Today, a lot States are contributing strongly In funding THE federal police through THE arrangement of Vehicles, desk accommodation And other equipment.

"THE State Police will only complement THE Federal Police. Community police alone East not enough. If We must tackle THE high level of insecurity devastating OUR the communities, State Police East THE path has go And THE time East NOW because he East long late," he said.

Keywords: Dachung Moussa BagosPlateau murders

Former MP Bagos condemns the murder of four people in Plateau

Ancient President of THE Home of Representatives Committee on Science And Technology, Hon. Dachung Moussa Bagos on Monday sentenced THE murder of four people In Miango District of Bassa Local Government Area of Tray.

Hon. Bagos, WHO East A of THE Peoples Democratic To party (PDP) Home of The representatives the legislators Since Plateau that were controversially sacked by THE Court of Call, do This statement In A statement In Abuja, observed that Nigeria East long late For THE creation of State Police.

He said THE continued murder of innocent people In Plateau State was "barbaric And insensitive" And must be stopped by THE security agencies.

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"I am saddened by THE murder of Again another four people on Monday In two villages of Miango District In Bassa LGA of Plateau State. This East most barbaric And insensitive. I called THE security agencies has up their game And put A END has This carnage.

"I am attractive has THE federal government has deploy more security agents In these trouble areas And take decisive not In END This continuous murder of OUR people In Plateau State. These bandits And attackers must be stop In their tracks," he recommended.

He argued that In see of THE booming And intractable insecurity through THE country, State police were THE only option LEFT For THE nation has struggle killer shepherds, insurgents And kidnappers.

THE legislator, WHO represented Jose East/Jos South Since 2019-2023 And was re-elected In 2023 said: "I to want has urge THE National Assembly has include State police In THE in progress Constitution amendment process. Nigeria East long late For State And I can ensure You, he East THE Of course path has contain THE excess of terrorist groups murder, mutilate And kidnapping with reckless give up.

"In Plateau State, We are ready And prepared has float THE State police because, We are gradually be destroyed by killer shepherds And The Terrorists, WHO are be address as bandits. He East NOW clear has everyone that THE federal security concerns are overwhelmed And desperately need help.

"State Police will checkmate THE devastating insecurity because he will be people by native of THE miscellaneous States And the communities, WHO are aware with their environments And THE residents. This will TO DO he Easier has fish out criminal elements And invaders. »

THE ancient legislator maintained that THE fear that State Police can be abused by Governors And can conflict with THE federal police do not socket water, insistent that: "THE Constitution will clearly define everyone role And will guard against abuse And interference not just Since THE governors but by other stakeholders.

"Also, For those WHO argue that States can not be able has funds State police, they should note that even Today, a lot States are contributing strongly In funding THE federal police through THE arrangement of Vehicles, desk accommodation And other equipment.

"THE State Police will only complement THE Federal Police. Community police alone East not enough. If We must tackle THE high level of insecurity devastating OUR the communities, State Police East THE path has go And THE time East NOW because he East long late," he said.

Keywords: Dachung Moussa BagosPlateau murders

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