“So that the world respects Africa…” - Part 3

HAS fix This And to break This ride a bike of addiction, THE African Development Bank spear A $3 billion ease has support THE development of local pharmaceutical companies In Africa.

HAS ensure THE companies can to have to access has intellectual owner technologies And process has manufacturing vaccines, THE African Development Bank established THE Africa Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation.

THE Foundation will intermediate between African pharmaceutical companies And THE global pharmaceutical companies has to access THE technologies, active pharmaceutical ingredients And antigens they need has produce quality drugs And vaccines In Africa.

THE Foundation, of which Prominent Advisory Advice East co-chaired by President Kagame of Rwanda And ancient German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will officially open It is desks In Kigali In December.

HAS further improve to access has quality health services, THE African Development Bank has Also spear A $3 billion program has build Africa health Infrastructure. When Africans to have to access has quality health care services, drugs And vaccines, he will booster productivity, life waiting And eliminate THE $2.6 thousand billion of GDP lost annually Since diseases And diseases.

A healthier Africa will be A a lot richer Africa.

Africa will earn respect When he deepens GOOD governance And THE ruler of law.

For NOW, THE erosion of THE democratic space In several African countries East worrying. THE MB Ibrahim governance hint decreases In 2022-2023. THE back And increase In THE number of military coups In rooms of Africa, especially In THE Sahel, laid A powerful And imminent hazard has inversion THE the continent stability, growth, And development.

Fixation This, However, requires understanding that THE Sahel region has continued has suffer For decades Since climate change, the desertification, And extreme poverty, And more recently Since terrorism.

The Terrorists don't do it just appear. They prosper Or three Drivers exist -extreme poverty, high youth unemployment And climate And environmental degradation — What I call A "disaster Triangle." Anywhere This disaster Triangle East find, terrorism And insecurity prosper just as he do Currently In a lot rooms of North Nigeria.

Several countries NOW spend more resources on security, more and more shift funding For development In A context Or 85 by hundred of THE the continent population East either life In Or sharing borders with A affected by the conflict country.

We must urgently And globally tackle This challenge has prevent reversals of earnings In development.

This calls For THE reinforcement of THE generally security architecture, reconstruction of damaged physical And social Infrastructure (such as schools, health care facilities, water, And sanitation) In affected by the conflict areas, And protect areas Or strategic resources exist.

Africa will collect THE respect he deserved When he can ensure THE security of It is country And territories, himself.

That East Why just two weeks There is, I encounter with Seven governors Since North West Nigeria WHO visited Me In Abidjan. THE African Development Bank will support them has reduce insecurity And vulnerabilities In THE region, through significant investments In agriculture, Infrastructure, And electricity, has booster THE economic outlook of THE region.

Significantly breeding THE size of THE peace And security funds of THE African Union, with to wait for forces that can to intervene has restore stability In areas experiment Conflicts, will Also collect more respect For Africa.

THE call For "African solutions has Africa problems" East strong, but he will only be respected When “Africa problems are finance by Africa resources." Policy sovereignty must be supported by economic And financial sovereignty.

Africa will earn respect When he East able has mobilize funding For It is own development.

Today, Africa high debt levels are of great concern. Tag by weak global interest rates following THE 2008 global financial crisis, several African countries precipitate has THE global capital markets has source cheaper loans has develop their savings, especially has build critically important infrastructure.

THE Eurobond euphoria saw THE number of countries which issued Eurobonds increase Since 2 has 21 between 2007 And 2022. They collectively issued $140 billion value of Eurobonds. Several African countries Also precipitate has secure cheaper loans Since China, as THE volume of Chinese loans exploded.

NOW THE debt load East heavy as debt service Payments to have has been increasing as global interest rates increase has tame global inflation.

Below Saharan Africa debt report has double In just A decade And reached 60 by hundred of total GDP In 2022. THE Regions report of interest Payments has income has more that double Since THE early 2010s And East NOW close has four times THE report In advance savings: African countries NOW spend on A...

“So that the world respects Africa…” - Part 3

HAS fix This And to break This ride a bike of addiction, THE African Development Bank spear A $3 billion ease has support THE development of local pharmaceutical companies In Africa.

HAS ensure THE companies can to have to access has intellectual owner technologies And process has manufacturing vaccines, THE African Development Bank established THE Africa Pharmaceutical Technology Foundation.

THE Foundation will intermediate between African pharmaceutical companies And THE global pharmaceutical companies has to access THE technologies, active pharmaceutical ingredients And antigens they need has produce quality drugs And vaccines In Africa.

THE Foundation, of which Prominent Advisory Advice East co-chaired by President Kagame of Rwanda And ancient German Chancellor Angela Merkel, will officially open It is desks In Kigali In December.

HAS further improve to access has quality health services, THE African Development Bank has Also spear A $3 billion program has build Africa health Infrastructure. When Africans to have to access has quality health care services, drugs And vaccines, he will booster productivity, life waiting And eliminate THE $2.6 thousand billion of GDP lost annually Since diseases And diseases.

A healthier Africa will be A a lot richer Africa.

Africa will earn respect When he deepens GOOD governance And THE ruler of law.

For NOW, THE erosion of THE democratic space In several African countries East worrying. THE MB Ibrahim governance hint decreases In 2022-2023. THE back And increase In THE number of military coups In rooms of Africa, especially In THE Sahel, laid A powerful And imminent hazard has inversion THE the continent stability, growth, And development.

Fixation This, However, requires understanding that THE Sahel region has continued has suffer For decades Since climate change, the desertification, And extreme poverty, And more recently Since terrorism.

The Terrorists don't do it just appear. They prosper Or three Drivers exist -extreme poverty, high youth unemployment And climate And environmental degradation — What I call A "disaster Triangle." Anywhere This disaster Triangle East find, terrorism And insecurity prosper just as he do Currently In a lot rooms of North Nigeria.

Several countries NOW spend more resources on security, more and more shift funding For development In A context Or 85 by hundred of THE the continent population East either life In Or sharing borders with A affected by the conflict country.

We must urgently And globally tackle This challenge has prevent reversals of earnings In development.

This calls For THE reinforcement of THE generally security architecture, reconstruction of damaged physical And social Infrastructure (such as schools, health care facilities, water, And sanitation) In affected by the conflict areas, And protect areas Or strategic resources exist.

Africa will collect THE respect he deserved When he can ensure THE security of It is country And territories, himself.

That East Why just two weeks There is, I encounter with Seven governors Since North West Nigeria WHO visited Me In Abidjan. THE African Development Bank will support them has reduce insecurity And vulnerabilities In THE region, through significant investments In agriculture, Infrastructure, And electricity, has booster THE economic outlook of THE region.

Significantly breeding THE size of THE peace And security funds of THE African Union, with to wait for forces that can to intervene has restore stability In areas experiment Conflicts, will Also collect more respect For Africa.

THE call For "African solutions has Africa problems" East strong, but he will only be respected When “Africa problems are finance by Africa resources." Policy sovereignty must be supported by economic And financial sovereignty.

Africa will earn respect When he East able has mobilize funding For It is own development.

Today, Africa high debt levels are of great concern. Tag by weak global interest rates following THE 2008 global financial crisis, several African countries precipitate has THE global capital markets has source cheaper loans has develop their savings, especially has build critically important infrastructure.

THE Eurobond euphoria saw THE number of countries which issued Eurobonds increase Since 2 has 21 between 2007 And 2022. They collectively issued $140 billion value of Eurobonds. Several African countries Also precipitate has secure cheaper loans Since China, as THE volume of Chinese loans exploded.

NOW THE debt load East heavy as debt service Payments to have has been increasing as global interest rates increase has tame global inflation.

Below Saharan Africa debt report has double In just A decade And reached 60 by hundred of total GDP In 2022. THE Regions report of interest Payments has income has more that double Since THE early 2010s And East NOW close has four times THE report In advance savings: African countries NOW spend on A...

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